The Scoff Skatelace: Everything you ever wanted to know about it.

This article/ book I wrote was to inform everyone on here about the Skatelace, or any questions you may have about it. Its fairly comprehensive and has a sections for [br]
1.The History of the Skatelace
2. What Makes the Skatelace different?
3. Main Features – Other Features of the Skatelace
4. Colorways, Styles, and Sizing
5. Scoff Lace Technologies
6. What is the Best way to lace up my Skatelaces?
7. Abuse Test Photos
You don’t have to read the whole thing, but browse over whatever area your curious about and check it out. Thanks![br][br]

The Scoff Skatelace has been developed under the careful eyes of Jason Huewe over a period of 5 years and still today is being improved on to produce the highest quality abrasion and fray resistant lace out on the market today. Its birth started back in 2001 when Jason was in his second year of skateboarding, he developed a lace to meet his skateboarding needs at that time. He usually wore down the tips of the laces until they were destroyed and the very first version of the lace was just a reinforced tip.
He did take a small 2yr break from skateboarding during sometime that he was attending high school. One of those days at lunch Jason was talking to his good friend Zach who was an avid skateboarder at the time and Jason asked him. “What’s the first thing that wears out when you skate?” Zack replied “My shoelaces!” he laughed and pointed at his laces in multiple broken areas frayed out, and tied back together. At that moment Jason knew what to do and how to resurrect his old “super lace” idea.[br]
Since that day the skatelaces have gone through multiple changes and metamorphoses, many downfalls, and has been a whole learning experience to be where it is now and is still being worked on to this day.[br][br]

The skatelace starts out like any normal lace. They are actual shoelaces imported from China to the Scoff warehouse and then go through our own in house process to treat them. The last 6-8 inches of the laces from the tips are left untreated, this design was created to help you maneuver the lace through the shoe and make lacing easier. The Skatelace is 2 to 3 times resistant to abrasion, guaranteed not to fray in reinforced areas, and when finished the lace is stiffer than normal. This allows it to grip the majority of the lace holes in your shoes keeping them tight when untied and even after the lace breaks. They are the only lace to combine the 3 aspects of abrasion resistant, non-fraying abilities, and sure grip technology into the single lace.[br][br]

Sure Grip Technology (SGT): The lace grips your shoe immediately when you start lacing it up. It uses pressure points to hold it in place. So when the lace is folded over to go to the next eyelet that pressure on the eyelet simply pins the lace in place. This allows your shoe to snug when untied and even stay tight after the lace has been broken. It also means a better fitting shoe that won’t loosen up on you and a lace you will never have to constantly re-adjust. We believe this to be the strongest feature in the skatelace.[br]
Abrasion Resistant Properties: The material incorporated into the lace forties each thread making them stronger and depending on the process we use leaves a thin film over the lace for additional protect. In most cases the lace will last about 2-3 times longer. But has last up to 6+ times longer for some skaters who don’t break their laces as often.[br]
Anti-Fraying Abilities: The lace is actually guaranteed not to fray out. This is due to each individual thread being fused to the next turning the lace into on singular complex string. Instead of a lace made from hundreds of threads. This allows it to break clean and just wear away instead of looking like crap while fraying away. The lace breaks clean.[br][br]

Waterproof: All treated areas of the lace is waterproof.
Heat Resistant (only HCF Skatelaces) +20 degrees resistance
Reinforced Core: Only found with the DAP. In oval laces it helps the polyester core remain intact through the whole abuse of skating instead of fraying out. In flat laces it allows for a deeper and more complete penetration into the lace center.[br][br]
We have our Standard Colors which are black and white and we carry all year around in our Wide and Thin laces. We also have the LIMITED Skatelace colors which we only release 1-2 colors every season and only 24 pairs of that certain unique colorway is released not to be made again. [br]
Scoff uses three styles of shoelaces in their line up.

Thin “Athletic” Lace – 6mm wide

Wide “Skateboard” Lace – 8mm wide

Wide Oval Lace – 8mm wide[br]
The athletic and skateboard quotes refer to a specific type of weave that they get. The oval lace receives a normal weave for that lace type.[br]
The laces come in 3 different sizes 45 inches, 48 inches, and 54 inches.
The 45-48 inch lace will fit a shoe with up to 6 eyelets with about 6-7 inches of lace at the end to tie off. The 54 inch lace will fit a shoe with up to 9 eyelets with about 6-7 inches of free lace at the end.
This all depends also on how tight you tie your shoes and what lace design you do.[br]

We have multiple technologies that we are now incorporating into our laces and each have a unique effect with each lace. We decided to stamp the packaging of each lace with a logo for that technology so you can better identify them. Below you will find a list of the logos and the technology and effects behind each one.[br][br]

Scoff HCF LogoH.C.F. Hard Coat Formula

This formula developed back in 06’ creates a hard outer barrier to the lace ensuring that it attracts less than its last formula before it. This made the lace stiffer allowing it to grip the eyelets of the shoe better keeping the shoe tight when untied or even after the lace broke. It also bonds all the threads together keeping the lace from fraying out and ensuring a clean break. In most cases the HCF ensures at least twice the endurance against abrasion compared to normal laces and even more in some cases.

Guaranteed not to Fray Out // Abrasion Resistant // Sure Grip Technology

Scoff DAP LogoD.A.P. Diamond Application Process + PRO Formula
Our most recent advancement to progress and push the boundaries of endurance and performance in a shoelace is DAP. Still undergoing some R&D, this process and formula is being released in Ruben Najeras Pro Skatelace. We use a completely new process and new custom formula. The lace has a sheen appearance and its hard stiffness that mimics that of a diamond. This ensures the best grip possible that we call Sure Grip Technology. The formula actually goes into the depth of the lace and reinforces the core. The same non-fraying abilities are included along with a strength never seen in any of our skatelaces before against abrasion. For the true lace rippers of today, this new process is intense. This process also gives the lace a more natural texture to it, with no outer barrier also it makes the lace less stiff and more maneuverable as well.

High Abrasion Resistant // Guaranteed not to Fray // Sure Grip Technology // Reinforced Core

Scoff GGT LogoG.G.T. Gorilla Grip Technology
In its early R&D, this new technology will hopefully allow us to give the same gripping and holding power as our past formulas but without making the skatelace stiffer and therefore much easier to lace up.

Extra Gripping Power // Less Stiff

Scoff DDS LogoD.D.S. Dirt Denial System
In the middle of its R&D this new system provides an added layer of protection to the lace repelling dirt and dust that comes its way. This was inspired not only from skaters that like to keep their strings clean but medical nurses looking for a clean lace that won’t attract lint and won’t allow blood or other hazardous materials to seep into the lace while still allowing for easy cleaning and removal of contaminates.

Dirt, Dust, and Lint Repellent // Easy to Clean

For a unique lace you need a new way to think about lacing your shoes. One thing about the lace which make them difficult is cause of the SGT. Good thing about it once your laces are in place you won’t have to worry about them again. So once there in you’re done with having to mess with them.[br]
First off I know most people when they lace their shoes you pull directly up on the lace to pull it through the hole. You do not want to do this with the skatelace because it will activate the SGT and make it a lot tougher. Instead you want to get the lace in the first holes and level the lace out. Then stick your foot in the shoe during the rest of the lacing process. (You want to do this to make sure it’s a perfect fit for your foot 1st time. Now if you can imagine, pull the lace directly outwards, horizontally to the hole. So the lace comes out sideways instead of vertical(up). Then combine that with a quick pull of the lace and its in place. Lacing will be a breeze if you combine those two. Pull the lace sideways away from the shoe instead of up and do it in a fast motion. Make sure not to have your fingers close to the lace while pulling it fast(it might burn you cause of the quick friction you produce)[br]
We have made a video but unfortunately are having some problems with the download to digital. I’ll make sure to post it ASAP though.[br][br][br]

We always like to back up all words with proof. We don’t say it unless we know its true and feel 100% confident about it. That’s why we do multiple simulated tests on our laces to test for a number of things after they pass in house test we send them out to our skaters for the real tests. [br]
Currently we have began a big R&D project doing indepth abuse tests and logging each results in with over 7 different formulas and 3 different amounts of the material on the lace using the new DAP technology.
Here are a few of the abuse tests we have created and put into a image for everyone too see. Some of you may have seen these photos before.[br]

DAP Lace Core Comparison

HCF Abrasion Abuse Test

HCF Heat Abuse Test

Sure Grip Technology Demonstration[br]
#1: DAP Skatelace Reinforced Core Comparison
#2: HCF Abrasion Abuse Test
#3:HCF Lace Heat Abuse Test
#4: Grip Test.
Only half of a lace is in the shoe, ends have been cut with no knots or anything holding it in place. Thats our Sure Grip Technology.[br][br]

So now you know. All your questions should be answered. If you have anymore let me know. Thanks again for all of SB-C’s support for Scoff it is hugely appreciated.
Scoff Skatelaces the strongest shoe lace in the entire industry.