January 2009 MOTM – masterkickflip

Ladies and Gentlefolk, We here at SBC realize that this is extremely overdue, and would like to thank out MOTM for waiting for his moment in the lime light.

Here he is…Our first MOTM of 2009!!

Alright so, basics first. Name, location, age

Ryan Bahan, Wethersfield, CT, USA, Earth, 16.

You get specific. That’s good. How long has it been since you were selected MOTM?
Hmm. 11 months?

And why is it that you never got your interview?
I do not know sir. Do you have answers? Is this Jeopardy?

Nope, I’m clueless. Let’s move on then. What does school hold for masterkickflip these days?
Well, I’m a junior. I could’ve graduated early but decided not to so I could get some more science/foreign language credits and have more options. I’ll probably go to UConn for college for English or media, not really sure. I got an 1810 on the SAT’s.

1810 on all three sections combined, right?
Actually it’s higher than that but I don’t remember. I got 88th percentile in the nation. 91st in writing, 83rd in math, and 86th in reading I think. I got an 1810 out of 2400 actually, that’s what it is, haha.

I got a 1940, but that’s all three sections. I don’t know about the two-section score, or even if they still use that system anymore. I’m guessing you’re pulling some A material grades then?
Nah, not really. I’m in the B-C range right now but I usually get straight B’s or A-‘s, but am in the C range till about a week before reports, that’s when I do rewrites and whatever haha.

So until crunch time comes around, you just let things fall where they may?
Not really, I have a lot of work at all times because I take honors English and AP history and AP psychology, but I leave rewrites until the last few weeks, and I’ve been absent a lot because I got really sick and my make up work isn’t complete yet.

Oh, Advanced placement. So your grade point average is weighted then, correct? Tired of school questions?
Yeah it’s weighted. And it’s all up to you dude. I am tha answer.

Alright last question about academics then. What do you plan to do with your major/s?
I want to work with media/business in a skate company ideally. Like behind the scenes. Or be a teacher. Not quite sure which path I’ll take yet.

Finally, a MOTM who actually skates still!!

So along the lines of school…… girlies
I play da field. Haven’t been locked down in 2 years. Pop out at the mall, hit up some numbers, and take it from there.

Is Connecticut ripe for women?
Depends on where you go. But we got some honeydips.

So are the honeydips attracted to These Beasts?
HELL YEAH I’m wearing them right now.

Exactly why did you buy those? Any story behind that?
Got ’em for Christmas 2 years ago. And they’re just comfy as hell, why wouldn’t you wear them?

They look like Adidas. I’m personally a fan of the cushy-soled Wal-Mart slippers, the mesh ones. But hell I’d wear ’em.
Exactly. Every man needs a pair of slippers.

So why’d you choose Steve Carell for your avatar? I’m sure SBC is wondering.
Anchorman is in my top 5 favorite movies. Other than that, no reason.

Well hold that thought, ‘cuz top 3s are still on their way…How do you like the new SBC? As in, since rep was reset and the new user groups were introduced.
I’m digging the whole rep reset thing, a lot less rep whores/complaints. User groups are cool, I like how the mods/admins consider guru opinions more, and I like the color scheme. Not liking the elite user group though.

Me either. Apparently its above gurus
Which is kinda gay.

How do you like being rook? Rook to rook, of course
I like the green username, since it’s kinda uncommon. Going for 900 baby, gotta get da steez.

So how’s it gonna feel when I beat you to rook 2?
As bad as when I beat you to mod-shit.

masterkickflip tre flip
Also apparently a master of Tre’s

Ouch. So being 16, much like our dual elite MOTM interviewees. What’s driving looking like?
I’m yet to get my permit…

Ah so it’s not looking…
Well, I have a car…

Drive it illegally, ever?

That’s probably good, don’t want to add to that bad skater stereotype. What’s your opinion on that?
Stereotypes in most cases are gay. No one is the same as someone else because of one commonality.

Agreed, for sure. Last question, then on to top 3s. Lately the content writers have been nearly absent from the site; as a former content writer, what’s your take on the situation?
I think content should be able to be written and submitted, then reviewed by one or two people, spellchecked, etc, and put on the site, instead of set people to write.

Girl Yeah Right
”Yeah Right” – A favourite and a classic.

Not a bad idea. I think that was Vivica’s intentions, but it’s not a constant stream either way. I could be wrong though. Top 3 time. Top 3 reasons you still come to SBC.
1.Footy section
3.trying to help a little I guess.

Skate videos
1.Fully Flared
2.Yeah Right
3.Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors was quite sick, Cody MacEntire is a god
Indeed. Too many things to mention in that part.

*Cough* nollie biggie tail backside flip. But that’s beside the point, since it’s impossible for normal humans
Nollie big heel bs noseblunt 180 in a line.

Yeah that too. Screw him. Makes me cry. Top 3 favorite footy posters – Current AND Classic

John Mayer
Jan’s MOTM Admits to liking this man…

2.Bill Cosby


Top 3 songs
1.Good Love is on the Way-John Mayer
2.What I Got-Sublime
3.Concrete Schoolyard-Jurassic 5
Tough one though, I listen to so much music. Wu-Tang fo lyfe

Bleh not a Wu fan. MGMT is pretty sick, been getting into them lately. Cliché, I know
I listen to everything from pop to rap, so I got mad music. Bone thugs, DMB, Steve Miller, Kanye, Hendrix, Mayer, biggie.

Ever pop in any of that old boy band crap? For nostalgias sake? Or was that too much my ‘generation’.
I went to a backstreet boys concert when I was 6 *sigh*

Always was on the N*sync side myself, backstreet was a little emo for my young tastes
I wasn’t too picky.

Well I’d say this has been a pretty epic interview, from slippers to SATs to porn stars to N*sync
Well it’s with me, so epic is a natural side effect. And no skating questions?

Its Skateboard-City, no one cares about skating. Anything else you’d like to add?
sk84lyf. tranny*.

Any last words towards the members of SBC?
I am awesome. Join the ‘MKF is awesome’ group.

Oh, quick addition. What’s up with the ‘SBC’s best skateboarders’ group?
Well, it’s the elite of SBC, based on skating. The best skateboarders who post semi-consistently are invited.

Sounds pretty awesome. To the point where everyone else should be jealous. Possible vid in the works?
Yup, sooner than later.

And I guess that’s that then!