November MOTM – toomanykickflips

Well, its been some time since we’ve had a Member of The Month, and I’m glad to say we’re back with November’s MOTM…


Lets Get Cracking…

Don’t really know much about you, so this is a little weird, I know you’re tranny skater, that’s about it to be honest
Ah, so the whole “huge asshole a lot of the time, but knows a lot about footage and doesn’t lie” hasn’t reached your ears/computer screen? ah haha that’s good then. That’s my general reputation.

Good stuff, Good stuff… As per usual, let me start off with a couple of background questions, you obviously don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to… What’s your name, Where do you come from, and How old are you?
Evan Dwyer, i’m from Culpeper Virginia, and i’m 20 in a month, s**t like, 2 months. lets just go with 19

TMK Pops a NollieTMK Pops a Nollie

20’s no real milestone, it’s scary though… 2 whole decades. I remember when I turned 20, scary stuff. What have you done with your 20 years so far then, fathered many kids, built many bridges, or just messed about?
That’s a good question. up until I started skating, I didn’t do much of anything. played guitar in a couple of lame bands, used to draw a lot, played a little baseball. once I started skating, that brought filming into play, and then when Hunner passed away last may, that all showed to have some purpose. and yeah, twenty would be cool just so I can say I’m not a teenager anymore, I hate that generalization

Obvious question then (for those ignorant members like myself) prying into the emotions of our MOTM… Hunner?
We used to have like, as lame as it sounds, like these rival little crews at the park. Hunner was one of the everyday skaters at the park, like me, but we were in different crews. my crew was the only one that did anything filming-wise, and Hunner got interested in it and we became friends through that interest. like we already skated together pretty frequently, but his interest in filming gave us an actual friendship and it helped kinda, erase those crew lines, made everyone more of one big group. then last may he died in a freak accident. he was 16. after that, we all really came together, and filmed the full length DVD, Rep The Pep, from which I posted all the parts on SBC.

TMK Skating MiniTMK Shreds Some Mini

All a big Westside Story-ish… only for skaters… and with 2 guys… I’ll have to get the links for that video to add in. Always sad to loose a friend, I’ve had more than enough death in my life already… today’s actually the anniversary of my Mums death, 6 years back. Really good that something productive came out of it and that its not put you off at all though.
Damn, I’m sorry…

Not your fault mate, no need to be sorry. Life goes on.
true that. at least for me personally, I still feel like giving sympathy even years after the fact is the least I can do in any situation involving a loss, so I still pass on my sympathies, if that makes sense

Yea, likewise to you, death is always a sad loss… but it passes. Prize for most morbid MOTM goes to….
Hahaha its one of those things though, not a day goes by without that incident somehow coming to mind. so I’ll take that award. lighter topic?

I guess you’re in “college”? (or uni for us lot in the UK), What’re you studying?
Rep The PepRepping The Pep

Yep, four year university, and that’s a question I’m trying to answer for myself. I’m pretty into history, especially conflict in the 20th century, so I’m loading up on history courses and anticipating declaring that as my major but for now it’s still up in the air

Hold on hold on, so you can go to uni/college in the states not knowing what you’re going to study?
Yeah. happens a lot actually. most schools have it so that you have general education courses that they require, and then you have to choose a direction for yourself by the end of your second year. I’m entering the second half of my second year in January, so its time for me to decide, especially since all my gen. ed. stuff is done.

So you’re not into film and photography from an educational point of view?
Nope. for one, my university only has film as a minor, and it’s focused purely on the study of it rather than the practice. plus, my interest in film only extends as far as skateboarding can take it; I’m no cinematographer or future director, just a skate filmer.

So on to the topic of skating then, you still skate a lot? Or do you spend more time filming than skating?
It’s a close split. where I go to school, I skate with one of my close friends from back home a lot, so when we skate, if we film, we take turns until we’re out of tricks to film. back home, I push my guys to try stuff that I can’t do myself, so I spend a lot of time filming, but at the same time I skate pretty much nonstop when I’m home, so id say it’s mostly equal, although I definitely see myself as more of a skater than a filmer. I’m not one of those guys that use the fact that they film as an excuse for why my personal footage isn’t up to par; I just deal with the divided attention and try and make both equally good.

And you’re one of SBC’s few tranny skaters I believe? How did you get into that, seems the number of skaters who are willing to give tranny a change ahs really dropped off.
Rep The PepFurther Pep Repping

Actually I think its making a bit of a comeback, everyday I see some new kid on there that’s got a few tranny tricks up his sleeve. but maybe that’s me just being overly positive, for once. anyways, I used to do be into that same deal, learning flatland and trying rails and throwing myself down stuff. I had a pretty bad experience in my 11th grade year, which was…. three and a half years ago, where I ended up having the board popsicle into my nether regions, and that hurt like crazy and my friend wanted to take me to the hospital cause of the blood but I decided no doctor was touching my junk with a needle and stitches, and after that incident I had to skate the park for a little while just cause of my tenderness, and as a result normal street skating got less and less fun as I got better at tranny

Is junior still in one piece?
Oh yeah, better believe it

Like a horse…
nah that’d scare the women away

No issues with the ladies then? Bit of a player?
Oh no, nothing like that. I’m pretty picky, but I usually end up picking the wrong ones. I respect women, I think sometimes I shoulda been born like 200 years ago just because of that. call me old fashioned, I guess

Swiftly on to Top 3’s I think…

hmm that’s a tough one. any kind of buffalo wing for number one, definitely. uh… prime rid has probably gotta be number two. are we talking dinner food? I’m assuming dinner foods. that other stuff is just filler anyways, pizza and that jazz. for three………… I’m gonna make like a 50 year old and say chicken cordon bleu, that stuff has been pretty awesome at the campus cafeteria lately

Films? General, and skating, One, then t’other
aright movie-wise, saving private Ryan, Blackhawk down, the rock. in that order. I gotta think a second on skate vids that’s tough alright, number one is And Now, the Transworld vid. two is black labels back in black, three is actually gonna be Fallens ride the sky, really like that one.

Now’s a really tough one then… Top 3… Reasons you still visit SBC?
Hahahaha 1/ to post footy 2/ it’s a habit I don’t really have a third reason sadly, I could lie and say that as one of SBC’s three rooks I like to show other members what a good member is like, haha

I consider this as definitive proof SBC is like a cancer… It festers inside you becoming a part of you, and is very hard to get rid of
it definitely is. I mean I like forums in general, but not like SBC SBC is just as bad as nicotine if you ask me

Not so sure on the health aspects, but yea… certainly pretty addictive… forever taking from you without giving anything back….Not that I harbor any form of resentment toward the website… I think we’re probably in a position to think about winding things up now… anything you want to share with our members?
Nothing that I haven’t already said, nope I thought about ‘get out while you still can’ as a joke, but I don’t want to encourage people to leave Tom’s website so yeah I could fit into boring…