August 08 FMOTM: Emerica!

You’ve been nominating him for a long time and he’s finally won it, I present to you your August FMOTM: Emerica[/b]

Starting off with your name, age, and location:
Curtis Ryan
Tucson, Arizona

Still Skating?:[/b]
Kinda. I haven’t skated in almost 2 months, but it is just way too hot here to skate during the summer. I’m totally planning to get back into it this winter.

Sick, any favorite skaters, videos?:
I’d have to go with Rick Howard. He has been my favorite for years. His part in Yeah Right was what originally made me interested in skating. While that video owned, I’m gonna have to say Fully Flared is my all time favorite.

Fully Flared is amazing, what’d you like most about it?:
Aside from the obvious badassness of the explosives and the amazing skaters, it just felt more “artsy”. The quality of the filming just made it feel better than the normal videos.

Yeah I know what you mean, are you into filming yourself?
Not really. I’m a photog, so I guess thats why I kinda notice these things.

Nice, nice, changing the subject to girls, how are they going for you? Have anyone special?[/b]
Nothing to serious at the moment. A little something here, a little something there(if you know what I mean). Not looking for anything too long term. But who knows, I’m starting my junior year this week, maybe there is someone out there that I could stand going long term with. But then again, what’s the rush?

Yeah, I know what you mean, what other hobbies do you enjoy other than skateboarding, photography and girls?
Running mostly. I love running, especially in the mornings. It’s so beautiful out here, but its just too damn hot during the day. And I’ve been playing Xbox Live a lot. Mostly Halo and skate. I pretty much suck at Halo, but its still my favorite.

I couldn’t imagine the heat there, what are your musical interests?
Funny story about the heat. My friends and I were skating outside this Chinese resturant about 2 months ago. There is this 7 stair that leads into the parking lot. None of us could even ollie it, we couldn’t figure out why. We were landing perfectly and everything. We finally figured out the problem: the asphalt was melting. Everytime we landed, the wheels would sink into the ground and get stuck. It was insane.

Back on topic: Well, I am SB-C’s official band nerd, so I guess that says a lot. But as for music that I listen to, ska is my favorite. Streetlight Manifesto= One of The Greatest bands ever.

Haha, I know the feeling of not landing a trick and not knowing why, how’d you get into Ska and SM?
loooooong time ago, back when I was like in 5th grade, my brother got a burned CD from his friend. That CD had only one ska song on it; “Keasbey Nights”. Ever since then, I’ve been listening to ska. It’s such happy music. It’s a mystery to me why no one would like it. Ska just makes you feel good.

Woah, you’ve liked ska for a while! Been to any concerts?
Just local ska bands. No one ever comes here. 🙁

Oh, well do you have any plans in the future to do with music? Or any plans not involving music?
I seriously doubt it. I’d like to continue my study of music in college, but it just doesn’t seem practical. As for plans for the future, I’d like to go to college, but I’m not sure what for. I’ve always liked science and astronomy, and I guess that’d be something to look into in college.

That’s good, currently have a job? Any good work stories?

I don’t officially have a job, my during the summer my friend and I paint roofs. The only catch is we have to start at 5 in the morning.

The only funny work story I can think of is one morning, we were up there painting and we look over to one of the houses neighbors, and there is this fat naked guy walking around, watering his bushes. I almost threw up. And he wasn’t hiding or anything. He even saw us up there and started waving. I still have nightmares about that day.

Haha, good story. Time for some Top Fives:

Skate Companies:
1. Lakai
2. Fallen
3. Enjoi
4. Baker
5. Emerica

1. Streetlight Manifesto
2. Reel Big Fish
3. Flogging Molly
4. Less than Jake
5. Dropkick Murphys

1. What a Wicked Gang are We
2. Devil’s Dance Floor
3. Plastic Cup Politics
4. The Big Sleep
5. Hey Hey

Things To Skate:
1. Ledges
2. Miniramp
3. Banks
4. Anything
5. Concrete

Places To Be:
1. Anywhere with A/C
2. Chicago
3. Anywhere with Roller Coasters
4. Disneyworld
5. Wisconsin

Ledges huh? Should we be expecting any ledge footage from you?
I rarely ever film. No one I know has a camera. And on the rare occassion that I do film, its just for fun, not for “glory”.

How do you feel about being the FMOTM?
I dunno. I guess after being nominated pretty much every month, it was my turn. Don’t really know why I got it, but hey, I’m not complaining.

Have any shoutout’s to sb-c members?
My fellow Photogs Connor Noah Karl and all the Xbox Live dudes. Also, check out Photo Of The Week!

What are you up to right now?
Just sitting at home, chilling. And for some reason, I’m watching Red vs. Blue. School starts tommarow, so that kinda sucks.

School huh? Anything you’re looking forward too?
I’m taking easier classes this year, so it’ll be nice to have a break. I’m really looking forward to our marching band show this year. We’re doing music from “Jesus Christ Superstar”. It was a really dumb musical, but it has some sick music.

How long have you been on the marching band for?
This will be my third year, but I’ve been in regular band since 5th grade. Damn, that’s 7 years.

Sweet, what instrument(s) have you played?
Bari sax. Its basically a regular saxophone, but about 4 times bigger.

I’m guessing you’ve gotten great at it after 7 years, do you think so?
I suppose. I’ve never taken lessons or anything, I just learn by doing.

Any last words to Sb-c?
Thanks for the Member of the Month, and thanks for giving me something to do when I’m bored.
