Some Tips on practicing

woaaah, alright well i took some time off from skating and I guess I'm back now with this article.

Okay, so you want to learn a new trick eh? But you don't know where to start, The only thing you know is to log on to and get some trick tips. Im going to give you some tips on practicing starting with the obvious.

The first and most obvious thing you have to do is: Know what trick you want to Learn. You cant learn a trick if you dont know what your doing, Next is get some tips on that trick, from friends who can do them, skateboard-City's Trick tip pages, or any other skateboard site, like transworld. Watch and or read the trick tips and commit the important things to memory.

After you get tips on it, its time to go practice it. Get your board, and here are some tips,

  • Practice for a certain number of tries.
  • Practice until your sick of practicing,
  • Practice different foot positioning,
  • Practice doing that trick switch.
  • Put your hands on your board in place of your feet and act out the flip trick with your hands.
  • IF it is a rotation trick, first aim on getting about 75% of the rotation, then gradually move up until you can finally do that trick.
  • Ask your friends what your doing wrong.
  • Practice landing the trick with full rotation with your front foot, then practice landing that trick with full rotation with your back foot.
  • If you can't get both feet on, practice half fliping the trick and landing with both feet in place.
  • Play SKATE with your friends a lot, Pressured situations help you realize technique.

Also one thing you have to watch out for when practicing is this. NEVER practice bad techinque, if your friends tell you your practing bad technique or you know you've been practicing the same trick for months and months and you not getting any progress, well somethings probably wrong, go back and look at your technique, evaluate and adjust.

Once you have your trick on lock, or at least when you can land it maybe once in four then keep practicing, Your muscle memory has to be perfect. To keep the trick on lock make sure you regularly practice it and regularly land it. Play SKATE with your friends a lot, as I said above pressured situations often make you realize your technique. Also try and make sure you do that trick a few times a day to keep it locked.

Well thats all for now, I may be adding some to it later, but for now im out.
