What is wrong with the recent generations of kids that have started skating?

I'll start you off with a little anecdote from earlier today.

"I was at the skatepark, (having a somewhat bad day), and had been there for a few hours when I noticed a certain kid.  I remembered seeing him atleast a year ago starting skating. He absolutely had not progressed at all. It seemed he was more concerned with looking cool than actually skating. Eventually, after attempting to ollie the same 3 foot ledge multiple times, he broke his board too act tough or something, I don't know why, he looked like a…….female dog. He refused to give the new Baker deck to this poor, but talented, black skater who begged for it. Instead, rich boy says, "I'm getting a new one tomorrow anyways," and proceded to…..well….kinda made an over extended ordeal of breaking the board……after smashing a rock on it 80 times, stomping it once, throwing it over and over, he still hadn't broken it…..what a little girl…..Well he eventually broke it, pissing everyone off at the skatepark for his arrogance."

This all happened today at my local skatepark. I've seem a recent rise in wealthy, suburban, spoiled kids getting skateboards, and not trying at all. Money got them everything they've wanted so far, but it can never buy the skateboarding drive, the adrenaline, the understanding. I think the poor kids with every disadvantage you could think, have the best advantage. Heart and appreciation.  Take this and remember it the next time you get frustrated on that 10 set, or can't seem to manual that pad. Skating takes appreciation and heart.

~shampoo out~