How far is too far?

Yes, skaters in some areas have a bad reputation in some areas. Generally, we'll skate a spot and get kicked out eventually. Obviously, they don't understand us, as we don't understand them. But are we pushing the limit? I've seen it in countless videos, and in real life, where we get into vicious arguements with people. But, how much are we instigating it? Are we bringing this upon ourselves in some ways? Not all skaters do this, and I'm not grouping us all, but some of us are antagonizing these people. I mean, they are doing their job, and if we are treated with respect, we need to deal the same. I've seen cases where we just get into an all out screaming battle with a security guard. If he comes out, we're not going to skate the spot again that day, and we gotta deal with it. In some cases, they do get hostile with us first. But is it so hard to understand why? In general, like it or not, skaters are classified as hard rock, take no rules attitude. And unless we change that, there are going to be people that percieve every skateboarder as that person. Skateboarding is a unique sport, being as there are no rules. Almost every sport, baseball, basketball, soccer, relys on rules to keep the game together. Skateboarding doesn't have a rulebook, red flags, or anything like that, which is why there is such a diverse crowd. In our eyes, we see a set of stairs, or a rail, and our mind is looping with possibilities. To a pedestrian, they see it as architecture, and consider us vandalising it. Even if you are the nicest person in the world, someone's going to get mad at you for what they consider vandalism. Also, every security guard has had the cases of skateboarders who scream in their face, push, and get generally pissed off about getting kicked out. The good sticks out more than the bad, too. Think about it, if you saw a kid on the side of the road drinking gatorade, it'd pass through your mind in a second. If you see that child on the side of the road smoking a cigarette, that's going to stick in your mind for a few minutes. It's the same concept for them, which is why we get the generalization from people. So, are we taking it too far, are we argueing about what doesn't need to be argued about? Is skateboarding a crime? It's all in the eyes of the beholder.