Dakine bags are eveywhere, and they're success is obviously because of their quality. Though these bags aren't the cheapest ones you can find, they're probably the best. In most cases its worth the extra $20-$50, buying a Dakine bag and having it last for so much longer.[album=Dakine_Park_Bag][/album]The Dakine Park Bag, which we're reviewing here is probably the most common bag, easily used for anything. I use it for school daily along and bring it along most of the times when skating and travelling. Taking a look at the pictures you can see its got a skateboard holder, extremely solid looking. Its made out of really tough rubber, and secured very well on the bag, easily able to hold a skateboard.
The bags shoulder straps are very thick, wide and padded, which is pretty much a trade mark of Dakine bags. It feels very comforable to wear and has a chest and waist strap which can come in handy. Lots of little pouches everywhere, the pouch on the back (shown in pictures) is very good for travels. Its a big pouch where you can throw your passport or wallet. Not only is it a very hidden pouch, nobody can get to it if you have your bag on.
Inside the main compartment you can find a lot, which is perfect for school. Shown in the pictures are 3 thick binders and an organizer which fits snugly in the bag, yet there is still more room to thrown stuff ontop of the binders. Near the top there is a pouch for some glasses, comes lined with some very fine and soft material to not scratch up any lenses. When you leave your bag empty it doesn't look like its very big, so Dakine really has an awesome balance of size.
Overall this bag really rocks, it's got everything you would want, its not too expensive and its extremely well made, durable and comfortable. We strongly recommend the Dakine Park Bag.