Ride It Sculpture Park – Phase 2

skateboard cityI’ve been fascinated for years about the fate of Detroit… Motor City. As somebody who works in finance, and has a great love of cars (admittedly less so American cars!) i find it absolutely amazing that in well under 50 years city can go from nothing, to the automotive capital of America, and back to nothing.

For those unaware, in the years that the auto industry in Detroit was at its height thousands of people began to leave the city to live in the suburbs, and then in the years up to the collapse and bankruptcy of General Motors in 2009 (and more so since then), Detroit has been overstretched and mismanaged, and as a result thousands morepeople have left the city. This has left hundreds of buildings deserted, from houses to libraries.

Now as a skateboarder, i see things a certain way, hopefully the same way you see things – to me an empty building isn’t all bad – it’s an opportunity!
Every empty car park is a potential skate spot, every abandoned warehouse a potential skatepark.
Sadly, you far too often see abandoned houses set alight, torn down, vandalised, but kids and morons who have “nothing to do” except break stuff… Humanities capability to poo in its own bed is absolutely incredible.

Luckily i’m not the only person to think that, and Power House Productions are on a mission to turn an abandoned area into a haven for local skateboarders…

skateboard cityWith support from the the Tony Hawk Foundation Power House Productions are building “Ride it Sculpture Park”, skatehouse to be a mini indoor park as well as a home for visiting skaters. Unfortunately none of this is going to be possible without continued support and donations – so why not send them $10 – every little helps!

Power House Productions have a donations page going on crowd funding website CrowdRise, and need to raise $30,000 to make this a reality.