August 2012 MOTM Crass


So congratulations on Member of the Month, Crass!

Lets start out by telling everyone your name and where you live


Ha thanks man. My name’s Josh Flores, and I recently moved to Austin, Texas. So I guess that’s where I live. Which is weird to actually say.


Yeah you moved from a small town not too long ago, right?


Yeah, it’s crazy. This place is completely different from where I used to live. It’s Harlingen, Texas. You can look that up on a map and it just says “basically fuckin’ Mexico.”


Sick. So how is life in the big city? Is it easy to adapt or are you all intimidated and awkward?


It’s actually a bit easier than I thought. I live in South Austin so I’m not in the like the main city, so it’s not like I’m surrounded by huge buildings and stuff. But I’m like 10 minutes away from there, so it’s super convenient. But yeah, life’s pretty great here. I miss my skate buddies from back home, but the spots here are so much better!


Yea I feel you on that. Small towns usually suck for street spots compared to a decent-sized city.

I know you mentioned in one of your posts that you’ve sessioned with Dylan (dtj16) a few times

aside from him, have you made new skate BFF’s?


Yeah man, I went up to skate with Dylan a few times. The dude rips and he’s helped me out a lot. I also recently skated with Xen from SBC on sunday I think. That was pretty fun. He’s banned now for some reason. He doesn’t even know why haha. But aside from them, no one else really. I’m really awkward with making friends so I’ve just been skating alone mostly. Kinda sucks, but that’s how it rolls. Maybe once school starts I’ll find a crew here.


Sweet, that pretty cool. Yeah Dylan fucking rips! Thats rad that you have local homies from SBC. Jellyyyyyyyyy……..

So lets talk about skateboarding. What kind of stuff do you like to skate?


Woo! Well I really love stairs and gaps, even though I’m not that great at them. The highest stair set I’ve ollied was a small six. But there’s something about eating shit so many times and throwing yourself down something big for a long time and then just getting that one second realization that you’re rolling away. It’s the greatest feeling ever. Makes me wish I started skating earlier. And recently, I learned frontside slappy grinds so I’m having a lot of fun ripping the paint off curbs!


Hell yeah! Curbs never get old. And hucking yourself down stairs is definitely redeeming once you land it.


Its the best! Oh and I’m kinda learning tranny now. I really want to be good at that, but it’s a hard thing to pick up for me. All my favorite skaters are those dudes that jump down big stuff and do backside bonelesses in a pool haha.


Yeah I suck the worst at tranny, ever. It is fun though, for sure. So speaking of favorite skaters…who are your favorites

and I mean favorite skating-wise, not just the ones you have man-crushes on


Me too man. I can rock and fakie rock, that’s it. Favorite skaters… Nolan fucking Johnson, Sorcery Sammy, The Kid of course!, Greg Harbour, Dill, Ben Raybourn,Gravette, Corey Duffel, Reynolds.

and man crush is Dylan Reider, and it should be anyone’s answer to that.

If he did an impossible in front of me, I’m pretty sure my orientation would change.


Yeah I think he could get any skater to go gay for him just off his impossibles. Austyn Gilette is a sexy bitch too.


Dude and Trujillo!

that guy’s sexy as fuck


He’s a fucking beast.

What are your top 3 skate videos


haha Trujillo’s the mans. And fuck, that’s hard! Errr..

Sorry-Flip, Tent City-Anti Hero, annnddd err.. the new Welcome Video that’s coming out. Only Nolan Johnson’s part is out now but that’s up there because it’s my favorite part ever.

Think they’re calling it Monarchs of Magic. Everyone should check out that part, I watch it like everyday.


how gay am I that I’ve never even seen Nolan Johnson skate? scale of 1 – 10


I’m gonna go with a four, since he’s not exactly the most popular dude haha. He’s skates for Welcome, and they only have like what, seven thousand likes on facebook. Which is not a lot for a skate brand. But the dude rips, never fails to get me hyped.


I’ll have to check him out. Like, head-to-toe. Then I’ll have to check out some of his skating


I also just watch a lot of amatuer people having fun on youtube. That’s better than a lot of videos that come out now. Like the Curb Cult and dudes like that.


yeah its crazy some of the stuff you randomly find on youtube…so many rippers out there.


Haha well his bum-flap will stop you from checking out his nether regions. I still don’t understand that article of punk clothing but oh well


scenario: you’re at a punk show, being punk

some nazi decides to assrape you

bum-flap to the rescue!



it all makes sense! fuck. I gotta get me one o’ dem!

And here I am, my ass hanging out everyday, flap-less, just waiting to get nazi raped.


Its ok, thats what long baths and scented candles are for. For after the nazi ass raping.

Anyways, back on track here…


Last thing I want is some guy listening to Skrewdriver while simultaneously screwdriving me.

1% of SBC will even understand that joke.


oof yeah that isn’t my idea of a nice Friday evening.


1% of the world will get that joke actually haha


We’ll have to put that to the test…just gotta get everyone in the world to read this interview, and BAM

So what are your four bestest movies


I love how this isn’t even top fives. It’s like top “whatever fucking number I think of” haha.


this is about to get real fucking retarded, I promise


I dig horror movies so I’m gonna go with… Evil Dead 2, which is the best movie of all time anywhere. Scream, cause that’s a classic and was well ahead of it’s time. A Clockwork Orange, cause damn. And Nosferatu because it’s the only silent movie that ever kept my attention


Excellent choices.

Top 6 bands

excluding Creed and Nickleback, those two are a given


So I shouldn’t put “That One Chick Who Sings Call Me Maybe” on my list?


Realistically, this is the hardest question I’ve ever been asked. Okay. In no particular order.


I heard that song today and it changed my life!

I just met you, and call me crazy, but heres my number, so call me, maybe

Im gonna get it tatted on my face


Crass, Choking Victim, Dead Boys, Minor Threat, The Germs, Operation Ivy. There!

and you got the lyrics wrong!

take if from a real fan

I just met you. And this is crazy. So here’s my number. So call me maybe.




Have you seen the music video? Shit gets so insane.


but fine, you win

nah I’m not even on that level yet

some day. some…day.


Get at it. Twist ending left me speechless and wanting more.


I’ll definitely be spending the greater part of my evening searching for and watching it

good top 6 bands by the way.


Thanks man. I’ve been into punk far longer than I’ve been skating haha.


ok on to round 2, lightning round. Word association.



i totally saw this late. fuck. fuck. fuck. too much pressure.






fuck, i’m so gay


mission accomplished. Cool, back to round 1, regular interview mode.

What are your top 3 tricks to do on a skateboard?


I just saw the sausage link in my mind, not my proudest moment.

Boneless, No comply 180, and Slappy grinds.

Kickflip is a close fourth because I took so long to get it haha.


Nice. It’s refreshing to hear someone say stuff like that. It seems like you definitely have your own style and skate the way you want to, instead of learning whatever trick is all titsy at the moment

top 3 colors of jello

yes colors, not flavors


I just try to learn whatever looks fun.I’d rather be able to impossible than treflip, but that’s just me.

red, red, and blue. Cause green is icky


Impossibles are bad ass. I can’t do em…


i can’t either haha. I want to though!


Nice, you keep it all ‘Murrica.

What are the two reds

cherry and raspberry?


strawberry mang. Rasberry suuuuucks


is it actually raspberry? My autocorrect tells me I’m wrong saying it with a b.


shoulda seen that coming.


I’ve been pronouncing it with a b my entire life. My life is a lie.


yeah I was in a spelling bee when I was like 12…so yeah


lifestyle hammer!


In all reality the word should be spelled with a Z

thats how it sounds

We’ve been educated by assholes


speaking of words. fuck “weird”. My teacher said “i before e except after c”. She was a fucking liar.


I still cant spell believe right

except for right there

1st time, ever


haha, you’re making your 12 year old self cringe


so what are you into besides hard core street shredding, and punk rock?

I got the 1st word wrong at the spelling bee




it wasnt a very proud moment


Dude, honestly not much. I’m getting my first taste of adult life living with my girlfriend. If I’m not here, listening to punk with her, I’m out skating. And if I’m not doing that, sometimes I find some time to play some video games. I’m a boring guy haha.

I used to be really into video games. Like really into it. We’re talking 18 full days of game time on Call Of Duty Black Ops




once I started skating, I just completely stopped. I just have this thing where if I like something I put all my time and effort into it.


I blew a couple months of my life on final fantasy 7, its all good

YOLO right?



Elder Scrolls Oblivion, annnnnnnnndddd Bioshock one.






fuck yeah yolololol

welp, nows probably the part where the members of SB-C asked, and receive




get your girlfriend

its about to get real strange


Allright, hold up.

This is the part where everyone realizes I don’t have a real girlfriend and I just live with a blowup doll that I cuddle every night.


but…said blowup doll has a purdy mouth right

all that matters right there

Crass’s Girlfriend

haha, hey Gunz (:


aww yea is this Josh’s girlfriend?

Crass’s Girlfriend

yeah, it’s me. what’s up?


pfft you tell me

Crass’s Girlfriend

no wait. “crass’s girlfriend”. i heard about my nomination!


yeah, you got some street cred on the forum there

Crass’s Girlfriend

Josh thanked me for being cute and I was confused. until he linked me. :b


ok Crass’s girlfriend, what is it like, living with such a good looking, exciting, inspirational, and talented individual?

Crass’s Girlfriend

pretty great. I mean, it’s hard getting used to little things because we’re both new to this whole “living with each other hundreds of miles away from where we grew up” thing…but it’s definitely fun! it’s a plus that he knows how to “make” food (sandwiches, ramen soup, hot dogs, etc.).


hey hey hey…I sense a little condescension.

Ramen is tricky!

2 minutes = hard and gross

4 minutes = too soggy

ramen takes real skill. I think you need to give him more credit.

Crass’s Girlfriend

hahaha, no kidding. he’s actually not bad at it and its turned out edible 3/3 times. so yeah, he gets credit for his skills as a homemaker.



So what do you guys do on dates? Chicken and sex? or is there more depth to your relationship?

for the record…there is absolutely nothing wrong with chicken and sex…

Crass’s Girlfriend

Pizza and sex, man! Greasy fun for all! But sometimes, on occasion, we actually go out for dinner (but living on our own out here hasn’t made too much room for that). We’ve been skating together more lately, so that’s always fun. Might have a picnic by this one ditch near our apartment too, soon. But pizza and sex is always the best. nothing wrong with the classic [insert greasy food]+sex date combo.

ditchnic. haha. sounds so lame, but the spot is actually nice for that.


thats fuckin rad.

ditchnic is where its at, for sure

So you get on a skateboard too, huh?

Do you try tricks, or just cruise around, or what?

Crass’s Girlfriend

Yeah, I put together my first deck earlier this year and just focused on cruising, mostly. I don’t bother with too many tricks but, since I started working on ollies and manuals to start, I found the progress to be really rewarding compared to just cruising. it feels good to even get close to the goal and amazing to actually get it. so i’ll be getting into more tricks the better I get.


sweet, thats cool that you are skateboarding no matter what. Josh’s gotta be super stoked on that. My wife sort of hated on me skating for a while but eventually she gave in and skates with me too.

Crass’s Girlfriend

yeah man. skating with josh is the one thing that really gets me stoked to work harder at what i’m trying. his energy and enthusiasm is contagious. sexy, even. but you know that.


Josh tells me that you’re really hyped on this “Call Me Maybe” song?

Josh is a sexy mofo, no doubt

Crass’s Girlfriend

there’s something about that song that, once you hear it, that’s it. you’re just going to have to sing it at the top of your lungs with the craziest dramatic choreography you can pull off without crashing your car.


Pretty much. I wonder who the 1st pro skater will be to come out with a video part skating to that song.

Whos your favorite pro skater?

Crass’s Girlfriend

Ahh. Gravette is definitely cool but Dal Santo reps female skaters insanely well. I don’t know, there are a few that I like and for different reasons, but those two are killer to meee.


Yeah both pretty rad. Both of those two go for huge shit, always entertaining.

Well lets not let you steal all of Josh’s spotlight. It’s not like you came in 2nd or anything. It was a pleasure talking with you; you’re lovely, put the man of the hour back on plz.

Crass’s Girlfriend

I don’t want to take up too much of Josh’s special interview! Hope its cool if I just sliiiide this laptop on over to him again. Was cool being a part of this!


pfft 1st


Crass’s Girlfriend

Hey, hey. Same mind-set here. Cool mang. :b you’re lovely too, sir. Here you go!


I’m back homie



that was intense


and I can’t find my glasses. So i’m squinting and it’s terrible

haha I’ll read it after this 😛


she seems super cool. lucky of you to have a chic that skates with you.


ha yeah, keeps me from getting lonely. She’s almost learned how to ollie now! she’s been getting close. I’m stoked for her.


hell yeah, thats awesome


It’s pretty cool. She has seen me in my worst moments though. Learning Heelflips gets me mad haha.


I think heelflips are easier if you’re black.

OK full in your face interview back again. I already know you are a connoisseur of ramen noodles. top 3 flavors.


chicken. I’m really bad at trying new things, so I’ve eaten one flavor of noodles my entire life

I’m really picky with food, it sucks. I’ve only recently tried putting lettuce and tomato in my burgers haha.


are you seriously telling me you haven’t tried roast chicken flavor ramen

dude YOLO just try it next time you go to the store get a pack and handle that shit


is that the brown soup one? if so, hellll nawwwwww


its the delicious one

you’ll know once you’ve tasted it


haha i’m down. I’ll go for it next time. I’m surviving off of frozen pizzas here, so i gotta try something!


For sure. I should open a store called #YOLOMART and sell nothing but roast chicken flavored ramen. Just for you.


haha and double down sandwiches from KFC!

that should be the logo of the “YOLO Movement”

that stuff will kill you. But it’s so delicious!


I’ve never tried it, but now that you mentioned it, I’m double down.

Next KFC I see it’s going down.


Man I want one so bad! Tomorrow for sure!

it’s so good, you can feel your arteries harden.


Speaking of wanting it so bad, who do you want to give shout outs to from SBC?


Ha, well you for sure man. You taught me how to kickflip, which is like the most useful thing someones taught me in skating. And we haven’t even met in person!

Dtj16, for being a cool dude and shredding so hard


aww thanks <3 Crass Xen, cause he's a new friend that i'm probably gonna skate with more. STD, all around nice guy. Probably my first friend on SBC. Myles,BakerForLife, and Popwar isn't war for putting out good content. Everyone should go watch that "Prizza" edit miles made! annnd Skaustin, which is my girlfriend's name on SBC. I'm sure I forgot someone important and I'm gonna be kicking myself for that later haha. So yeah, SBC got me two "in person" friends and a few internet ones as well! Gunz For sure. Lets finish this off with a psychic prediction hammer. Predict next months MOTM Crass i'm reppin' Myles or STD! Gunz thats like 50% psychic Crass Also I just got mad sandpaper thumb from regripping parts of my board during this interview Gunz still pretty good Crass fancy grip tape jobs are a bitch! Gunz yeah you get all hyphy with your grip. I don't have the patience. Crass there's a few phases when doing these things that you'll go through 1)"I've got a badass idea! This is going to be rad!" 2) "Wow this is taking longer than I thought" 3) "Fuck, my back is hurting." 4)"God damn it, why did I want to do this!" 5) "Grah! fuck this, I'm just gonna rip it all off and do a normal gripjob!" 6)"It's all done! Can't wait to do another gripjob like this!" And then it starts over 😛 Gunz I think I've only done steps 1 and 5 before I tip my hat to you sir Alright Crass finish this off with some words of wisdom. Crass "Do what you love, and fuck the rest."- Little Miss Sunshine oh and people should boneless more things in videos. Get on that, world. [img][/img] [img][/img]