May 2012 – Member of the month winner: Vlad the Conqueror

Guest-54127 entered the room.
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[10:38 PM] guest-54127 changed nickname to snake
[10:38 PM] snake: yo
[10:38 PM] vlad: hello
[10:38 PM] snake: alright, let me go get a cold one and start this thing
[10:38 PM] vlad: alright
[10:41 PM] snake: aight
[10:41 PM] snake: okay, first off, name, age, occupation, all that
[10:42 PM] vlad: Nick, 22, Taco Bell Cashier/student/musician/all-around cool dude
[10:42 PM] snake: how is taco bell?
[10:42 PM] vlad: it’s actually alright
[10:42 PM] vlad: really funny occasionally
[10:42 PM] snake: do you still eat from there?
[10:42 PM] vlad: soul crushingly depressing
[10:42 PM] vlad: yeah, I eat there
[10:42 PM] vlad: never pay for it though
[10:43 PM] snake: what it like making that shit?
[10:43 PM] snake: whenever I eat there I’m just appalled, almost invariably appalled
[10:43 PM] vlad: haha
[10:43 PM] vlad: I would be grossed out
[10:43 PM] vlad: working at mcdonalds or something
[10:43 PM] vlad: all the grease
[10:43 PM] vlad: that horrible smell
[10:43 PM] snake: what is the clientele like
[10:44 PM] vlad: all sorts of people, really.
[10:44 PM] vlad: actually a lot of indian people
[10:44 PM] vlad: because you can substitute beans on any item
[10:44 PM] vlad: its’a popular spot
[10:44 PM] snake: what is the stoner to regular person ratio?
[10:45 PM] vlad: it’s actually not as bad as you would expect
[10:45 PM] vlad: at least when I work
[10:45 PM] vlad: way more drunk drivers through the drive thru
[10:45 PM] snake: okay, where are you from exactly?
[10:45 PM] vlad: than stoners I would say
[10:45 PM] vlad: Lawrencevill, GA
[10:45 PM] vlad: Lawrenceville*
[10:45 PM] vlad: let me spell my own town right
[10:45 PM] snake: you’re going to school as well right?
[10:45 PM] vlad: yeah. Small school. english major.
[10:46 PM] vlad: I’m not going to mention it so that this interview will be less googlable
[10:46 PM] vlad: haha
[10:46 PM] snake: high five on the english major stuff
[10:46 PM] snake: I’m one as well
[10:46 PM] vlad: high five
[10:46 PM] snake: I just like to set myself up to fail, y’know?
[10:46 PM] vlad: haha
[10:46 PM] vlad: I hear you
[10:46 PM] vlad: I’m planning on getting a masters and being a high school teacher
[10:46 PM] vlad: so we’ll see if that works out
[10:46 PM] snake: going the pollard route huh?
[10:46 PM] vlad: yeah
[10:46 PM] snake: right on
[10:47 PM] vlad: not going to lie
[10:47 PM] snake: I actually saw a picture of pollard in my friends yearbook a few days ago
[10:47 PM] snake: weird shit
[10:47 PM] vlad: really
[10:47 PM] vlad: haha, nice
[10:47 PM] snake: alright, on the topic of him
[10:47 PM] snake: top 3 gbv albums
[10:47 PM] vlad: let’s see… in no particular order
[10:47 PM] vlad: Vampire on Titus
[10:47 PM] vlad: Same Place the Fly got Smashed
[10:47 PM] vlad: and…
[10:48 PM] vlad: Bee Thousand
[10:48 PM] snake: nice choices
[10:48 PM] vlad: I go back and forth on that and Alien Lanes sometimes
[10:48 PM] snake: Vampire on Titus
[10:48 PM] snake: Wish I was a giant is in my top 30 gbv songs for sure
[10:48 PM] snake: haha
[10:48 PM] snake: great riff there
[10:48 PM] vlad: I love how terribly amazing that album sounds
[10:48 PM] vlad: like the whole thing is being played from the bottom of a well
[10:49 PM] snake: I remember there is a video of youtube of them doing it during a soundcheck, and pollard
[10:49 PM] snake: just stops halfway through and goes, THAT SOUNDS ALRIGHT
[10:49 PM] vlad: oh yeah, I remember that one
[10:49 PM] snake: Have you seen them live?
[10:49 PM] vlad: no
[10:49 PM] snake: awww
[10:49 PM] vlad: hopefully one day
[10:50 PM] snake: I saw them last year
[10:50 PM] vlad: nice
[10:50 PM] snake: great show, everyone was wasted by the end
[10:50 PM] snake: what have you been listeting to lately?
[10:50 PM] vlad: A lot of Talking Heads
[10:50 PM] vlad: Elite Gymnastics
[10:50 PM] vlad: Microphones/Mount Eerie
[10:51 PM] vlad: Viking Moses
[10:51 PM] snake: have you watched the talking heads doc yet?
[10:51 PM] vlad: which one is that?
[10:51 PM] snake: stop making sense
[10:51 PM] vlad: haha, watched that a few hours ago for hte millionth time
[10:51 PM] vlad: watched Chronology right before that
[10:51 PM] vlad: just got that DVD today
[10:52 PM] snake: nice, haven’t seen that myself
[10:52 PM] vlad: It’s pretty cool. The “special edition” just came out
[10:52 PM] vlad: it’s got this book with old photos and this previously unpublished lester bangs essay
[10:52 PM] vlad: haven’t read it yet, though
[10:52 PM] snake: haha, awesome, I’d be interested in the LB essay
[10:53 PM] vlad: yeah, I finally just started reading Psychotic Reactions and Carbureator dung, actually
[10:53 PM] vlad: just two essays i
[10:53 PM] vlad: n
[10:53 PM] vlad: I’ve put it off for so long
[10:53 PM] snake: speaking of him, have you ever read psychotic reactions?
[10:53 PM] vlad: just started this morning
[10:53 PM] vlad: finally bought a copy
[10:54 PM] snake: nice, it’s a good summer book, I think I read it two years ago this May
[10:54 PM] snake: Alright, so I guess we should talk about SBC a little bit..
[10:54 PM] vlad: probably
[10:55 PM] snake: Yea. The guru forum is nice huh?
[10:55 PM] vlad: yeah
[10:55 PM] vlad: non-gurus don’t know what they’re missing
[10:55 PM] snake: Nope.
[10:55 PM] snake: I think we need to start bets on things
[10:55 PM] vlad: like what sorts of bets
[10:55 PM] snake: Like if LFF will get his degree, or drop out to revolutionize electronica
[10:56 PM] vlad: haha. yeah, we probably should
[10:56 PM] vlad: LFF’s posts when he’s supposed to be working on a paper are some of my favorite
[10:56 PM] vlad: posts on the forum
[10:56 PM] snake: haha, that’s why I don’t log onto SBC when I have deadlines
[10:56 PM] vlad: yeah, I have to be off sbc when I’m doing real work.
[10:56 PM] vlad: All my long winded philosophical posts
[10:57 PM] vlad: are when I should be doing work
[10:57 PM] snake: What about the Milo speech lyrics? Did you ever finish that up?
[10:57 PM] vlad: nah. probably going to do more once I’m over this cold
[10:58 PM] vlad: I think I’m over half way through
[10:58 PM] snake: It’s a shame he doesn’t come on anymore
[10:58 PM] vlad: yeah, he was fun
[10:58 PM] snake: Anyways, what kind of gear are you working with, music wise?
[10:58 PM] vlad: buncha cheap junk really
[10:58 PM] vlad: my acoustic
[10:58 PM] vlad: cost $45
[10:58 PM] vlad: haha
[10:59 PM] snake: I vaguely remember you saying you had a tele?
[10:59 PM] vlad: classical guitar was just a cheap one I picked up on sale at guitar center
[10:59 PM] vlad: tele copy
[10:59 PM] vlad: but it’s a pretty good copy
[10:59 PM] vlad: I can live with it
[10:59 PM] vlad: running through this little crate tube amp
[10:59 PM] vlad: a handful of pedal
[10:59 PM] vlad: s
[10:59 PM] vlad: record with either a Tascam four track or this little Tascam digital recorder
[10:59 PM] snake: Four tracks are nice
[11:00 PM] snake: I’ve been hunting for one for the past few weeks
[11:00 PM] vlad: yeah. I actually bought it a few months before I had heard GBV
[11:00 PM] snake: haha
[11:00 PM] vlad: which then opened my mind to what these things could do
[11:00 PM] vlad: like “woah, so you can actually do a real album with this…”
[11:00 PM] snake: Y’know, I actually got into GBV through your sig
[11:01 PM] snake: all those years ago, when you had the VOT cover
[11:01 PM] vlad: haha, nice
[11:01 PM] vlad: it was that, the unicorns, and Jack White
[11:01 PM] vlad: my big 3 at the tiem
[11:01 PM] vlad: time*
[11:01 PM] snake: Have you heard White’s new album?
[11:01 PM] vlad: nah. I mean, I’ve watched videos of him performing the singles
[11:02 PM] vlad: but I haven’t listened to it
[11:02 PM] vlad: I’m sure I will eventually
[11:02 PM] snake: I felt kind of bad about 2011
[11:02 PM] snake: Because it seemed like all the great rock couples broke up
[11:02 PM] snake: Sonic Youth
[11:02 PM] snake: for one
[11:02 PM] snake: and then The White Stripes finally called it quits
[11:02 PM] snake: Zoey and the Death Cab fag
[11:03 PM] vlad: haha
[11:03 PM] snake: Is true love even possible in this age Vlad?
[11:03 PM] vlad: I don’t know… I just don’t know
[11:03 PM] snake: Have you ever listened to the stranglers?
[11:03 PM] vlad: nope
[11:03 PM] snake: hold on
[11:03 PM] vlad: alright
[11:04 PM] snake:
[11:04 PM] snake: Stephen Malkmus listed this album in his top whatever
[11:04 PM] vlad: I’m pausing Iggy for this. So it better be good
[11:04 PM] snake: It sounds like Light my Fire, haha
[11:05 PM] vlad: haha, okay this is pretty cool
[11:05 PM] snake: yea, definitely white ppl music
[11:05 PM] snake: I feel like post punk in general, was the white artists last stand before hip hop
[11:05 PM] snake: I can’t see a black person jamming to the fall
[11:05 PM] vlad: haha
[11:06 PM] vlad: Part of why I love Talking Heads is that its a bunch of white people who just decided to
[11:06 PM] vlad: play music that’s funky as hell
[11:06 PM] snake: they’re great
[11:06 PM] snake: I know remain in light is probably their most often cited album, but its my fav
[11:06 PM] snake: I love the production on it
[11:06 PM] vlad: yeah, mine too
[11:06 PM] vlad: it’s so artificial
[11:07 PM] vlad: and I feel like the whole band’s aesthetic is sort of artificial and odd
[11:07 PM] vlad: so it’s like the ultimate expression of that
[11:07 PM] vlad: it’s probably the only one of their albums that I like the studio versions more than the
[11:07 PM] vlad: live ones
[11:07 PM] snake: yea, lots of good music from that early cbgbs scene
[11:08 PM] vlad: have you heard Talking Heads CBS demos?
[11:08 PM] snake: no
[11:08 PM] vlad: I was just listening to that a couple minutes ago
[11:08 PM] vlad: I’ll pm you a link to it or something
[11:08 PM] vlad: it’s great
[11:08 PM] vlad: way better than their first album
[11:08 PM] snake: do it
[11:08 PM] snake: I listened to Purple Rain earlier
[11:08 PM] snake: no shame
[11:09 PM] snake: Prince can play guitar like a mother fucker
[11:09 PM] vlad: haha, I’ve been meaning to give that one a shot.
[11:09 PM] vlad: yeah
[11:09 PM] snake: I actually found this “100 best guitarist lists”
[11:09 PM] snake: that wasn’t completely horrible
[11:09 PM] vlad: yeah, I hate those things
[11:10 PM] snake:
[11:10 PM] snake: I think J Mascis is in the top 10, haha, so its pretty good
[11:11 PM] vlad: yeah, top guitarist lists are usually just a mix of a bunch of lame shredders and
[11:11 PM] vlad: the guys that history has dictated must be on the list
[11:11 PM] snake: Clatpon and SRV are just..horrible cliches
[11:11 PM] snake: I hate that electric guitar got lame as fuck in the mainstream after EVH
[11:12 PM] vlad: I’ve never really gotten into guitarists. always been more focused on songwriting and
[11:12 PM] snake: horrible, cause I mean there are loads of great ones who never get mentioned due to everyon
[11:12 PM] vlad: overall sound
[11:12 PM] snake: going crazy over these boring fucks who are deemed musicians these days
[11:12 PM] snake: You read any good books recently?
[11:13 PM] vlad: let’s see… reread Notes from Underground for a paper
[11:13 PM] snake: uplifting novel if theres ever been one
[11:13 PM] vlad: haven’t really read too many books on my own this past semester
[11:13 PM] vlad: been busy recording my album
[11:13 PM] vlad: and doing other stuff in my free time
[11:13 PM] vlad: trying to read a good deal of books this summer though
[11:13 PM] snake: hows the album been going?
[11:14 PM] vlad: pretty good. I’ve got an album done that I just need to release
[11:14 PM] vlad: I mean, it’s been released in real life
[11:14 PM] vlad: AKA a bunch of my friends have copies
[11:14 PM] vlad: but I haven’t put it online
[11:14 PM] vlad: it’s sort of poppy folk music
[11:14 PM] vlad: that I guess is pretty dark a lot of the time
[11:15 PM] snake: how long have you been writing music for anyhow?
[11:15 PM] vlad: seriously songwriting for about 4 years now
[11:15 PM] vlad: I did a bunch of electronic instrumental stuff in high school
[11:16 PM] vlad: and before that I had a “band” with my sister
[11:16 PM] snake: haha awesome
[11:16 PM] vlad: I was 13, she was 10
[11:16 PM] vlad: it was just me with the gain up to 1o
[11:16 PM] vlad: blasting out powerchord riffs
[11:17 PM] snake: are there any surviving recordings?
[11:17 PM] vlad: haha, yeah. I don’t know if I’m comfortable releasing them to the public though
[11:17 PM] snake: thats cool
[11:17 PM] vlad: it’s pretty great, but totally an inside joke
[11:17 PM] vlad: all recored on a karaoke machine
[11:18 PM] vlad: we did this big free form jam at the end
[11:18 PM] snake: haha
[11:18 PM] vlad: It’s surprising how much of that stuff actually reminds me of stuff I’d never heard at
[11:18 PM] vlad: that point
[11:18 PM] vlad: like, total European son/ Fun House/ SIster ray vibes
[11:18 PM] vlad: but I’d never heard any
[11:19 PM] vlad: though maybe that’s why I connected with those when I did hear them
[11:19 PM] snake: I don’t know if that points towards your natural talent, or illuminates the fact that the
[11:19 PM] snake: VU were just dicking around half the time
[11:19 PM] vlad: haha
[11:19 PM] vlad: hopefully both
[11:19 PM] snake: Whats your favorite Stooges album btw?
[11:19 PM] vlad: Fun House
[11:19 PM] vlad: no contest
[11:19 PM] snake: I donno
[11:20 PM] snake: Raw Power man
[11:20 PM] snake: James Williamson
[11:20 PM] snake: Asheton is great, but Williamson was cutting some next level shit
[11:20 PM] vlad: Raw Power is a close second for me behind Fun House
[11:20 PM] vlad: but Fun House just has this magic to it
[11:20 PM] vlad: and that sax
[11:21 PM] snake: yea, eponymous is great 2. Such a big guitar sound on that album
[11:21 PM] snake: I actually just started gimme danger, gotta get a stooges fix now
[11:21 PM] vlad: yeah. it’s all great really
[11:22 PM] vlad: nice. this made me put Fun House, then Raw Power up next in my winamp playlist
[11:22 PM] vlad: after I finish Lust for Life
[11:22 PM] vlad: which I’m listening to right now
[11:22 PM] snake: I always loved “Some weird sin” off of lust for life
[11:22 PM] snake: I think that was in a skate vid a few years ago, can’t remember who used it though
[11:22 PM] vlad: I sort of miss the days when I kept up with skate videos
[11:23 PM] vlad: that used to be one of my main places for finding music
[11:23 PM] vlad: just watching Barletta and Hsu skate to Age of Consent then looking up New Order stuff
[11:23 PM] snake: yea
[11:24 PM] snake: Alright, to wind this up
[11:24 PM] snake: Top 5 SBC members
[11:24 PM] vlad: hmmm…. tough one
[11:24 PM] vlad: white trash
[11:24 PM] vlad: drowning fish
[11:25 PM] vlad: almost_mthfker(we’ve had some pretty good linguistics chats)
[11:25 PM] snake: isn’t she a chick?
[11:25 PM] vlad: yeah, from Germany
[11:25 PM] vlad: Crailtap
[11:25 PM] vlad: and….. Lisztomaniosdfinwefifioweia is pretty cool
[11:25 PM] vlad: there, five
[11:26 PM] snake: alright
[11:26 PM] snake: SBC’s been pretty fucking boring lately
[11:26 PM] vlad: yeah. I wrote an essay about that to add to this
[11:26 PM] vlad: if I send you a link to it can you stick it at teh bottom of this?
[11:26 PM] snake: sure

Vlad’s added Q&A