Scoff Closes its Online Shop and Retail Side of Business

Effective January 8, 2011 Scoff Skateboarding will close its doors to the retail world. This is the second time the business has done this (first time in July 2007) since it started in September 2004. Done to preserve the company’s life and rebuild itself to come back at a later date. Scoff will no longer be making an effort to solicit to skate shops or productions of Skatelaces and apparel for retail sales alone.

Scoff will be operating solely as a practical technology development company. We will no longer operate under full hours, but within the time allowed by owner Jason Huewe.
Mainly what this all means is we plan on no longer selling retail. This is a hard decision and doesn’t come easily to me. This is by no means saying Scoff is going out of business. It will allow us to work more closely with large corporations to try to get an established innovation of areas in the industry.

What brought this decision on? Well believe it or not but this day has been glooming for a whole year! Jason currently works a full-time dead end job at Starbucks and has been for almost 3.5yrs now. To pay bills and support Scoff when needed also supplying the money needed for The Scoff Project.

My now almost fiancé (yes I am to propose soon) made a deal an ultimatum with me in December 2009. That if Scoff isn’t at a point where I could be making a living off of it that I would attend some type of technical schooling. Jason chose the fire academy and was placed on the waiting list. Everyone needs back up plans if things don’t go through and well this is mine. This was agreed not by her convincing but myself.

I will begin the Fire Academy through FCC January 18, 2011 and continue through mid August 2011. During this time I must keep myself focused and dedicated to this otherwise my wondering multitasking mind may destroy everything I’ve set up so carefully. So I am for the time closing the retail side of Scoff. My main focus will be school from now on and I will still keep in contact with companies like Globe and other similar ones to keep furthering Scoff. I won’t be spending nearly as much time on here as normal or on Scoff as well. I’m sure you’ve all notice I haven’t been on a lot lately that’s due to a lot of other recent obligations I’ve had to take on and this upcoming adventure.

I will visit SB-C from time to time and try to offer any of you advice I have on things ramp building, skateboarding, general business, and helping you start your company. I’ll try to help out and play a small but relevant role here.

I am sorry….
I know a lot of you have grown to be dedicated to the brand of Scoff and have just grown to like what it represents and what we do for skateboarding. I promise that this is for the best, I need to personally secure my future and since Scoff hasn’t done it in the time given I will just have to come it another day.

We are having our FINAL CLEARANCE SALE going on now till the end of December 31 right now at to clear out the last of our stock. Free gifts comes with every purchase.

Scoff Skateboarding owner; Jason Huewe
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Thank you,

Jason “Scoffman” Huewe
Scoff Skateboarding