Top 5 New Jacks That Actually Stand Out Part 2

I know I haven’t been posting much at all but I was in LA for the past two weeks and before that I was just plain fucking lazy. I know the first new jack article was quite a success here and a few people wanted a second part. So why not? These are the 5 new jacks that I consider are legit as fuck and have been getting me really stoked to skate.

1. Taylor Bingaman
skateboard city
Recently joining the pro ranks we have Taylor Bingaman. Bingaman skates fast, hits up big rails and big tranny with some pretty manly and not as common tricks. For example, backside overcrooks, nollie backside 5-0’s just to name a few. Bingaman skates like a fucking man, he skates with such a raw power that not many people have today. Just check out his Hallelujah part and you’ll see him frontside grinding on some insanely gnarly over vert.

2. Marius Syvanen
skateboard city
Marius is a personal favorite of mine, he has been fueling my stoke for the past few weeks and I can’t really seem to get enough of him. He always looks like he’s having a fucking blast when he’s skating which makes his footage one thousand times better to watch, and he skates fast as fuck. He doesn’t do really difficult tricks but he does them on super gnarly shit. One thing that I’ve notices is that he skates a bunch of bumps and downhill shit which makes him like him even more since I love to skate that stuff, especially spots on hills. I have been watching his Habitat almost everyday since the video came out and I am still not bored of it. I’ll leave you with this super gnarly Indy video ad that will definitely want to make you grab your board and give a couple of extra pushes every time.

3.Jake Donnelly
skateboard city
You know I got to include some Real love in my posts and what better way to do it than giving some Jake Donnelly hype. The easier choice would have been to go with Ishod but we all know he just fucking slays and we all know how he can kill pretty much everything. I decided to go with Jake because he is underrated as fuck. Jake’s skating is pretty textbook, lots of kickflips into and out of grinds, big fliptricks down shit,and a decent balance between ledges and rails, but for some reason his skating and style are so textbook and gnarly at the same time that it just gets me really hyped. Even though he hasn’t come out with a full part yet as an am he still is already established as a well respected am. I seriously can’t wait for the Real video. This clip is Jake’s introduction to the Adidas squad. Knowing how exclusive the Adidas team is you should know that you have to really rip to be on it and Jake surely does.

4. Steve Durante
skateboard city
For this to be a more diverse post I am going to include a tech guy and I’m sure you guys are going to love him; Steve Durante.This guy is OG as fuck. His video parts could easily be taken out of a late 90’s early 2000’s video. The guy is doing some face melting shit but instead of doing it inside of a private warehouse or a perfect cali spot, filmed in HD and as a single trick, Steve goes out on the raw and chunky east coast ledges doing those tricks in some really challenging lines with a VX. This guy keeps it real. His part in the latest Habitat video was definitely sick but what really blew my mind is the clip posted below. It’s an introduction video to Orchard Skateshop, and let me tell you Steve definitely killed it.

5. Jon Goemann
skateboard city
You know how people say that they love a certain skater because his shit looks like they’re not even trying, or that they look like they’re about to eat shit? Well, Goemann is neither of these. He skates some really gnarly stuff yet he doesn’t look like he’s about to eat shit nor like he is not even trying. Goemann’s style is like the perfect blend this is why love him, how he looks on a board is nothing even remotely similar to any other skater. He recently turned pro for the super underrated $lave and had curtains in their video. This was a part I overlooked the first time I saw it since it didn’t seem to fit with the style of the rest of the video (mainly with the song.) Once I re watched the video it clearly became my favorite part. I put the $lave part on here so you guys could re watch it and really appreciate Goemann’s skating.