Krooked is actually blowing it?!?!?!

Okay, first of all let me start by saying that Krooked is my favorite company, (Tied with Real,)They have great graphics, great boards, a great team, their videos fucking kick ass, and they are all about having fun on a board, and their videos reflect that. I’m also super fucking hyped on the Krook3d video which and I already viewed the trailers with my Krook3d glasses that came with my Mike Anderson board and was super stoked. Once again what gets me even more hyped about this video is that it is not going to be divided into individual parts but it is going to be divided into city segments, so it is going to be like just a bunch of sessions of some amazing skaters having fun skating around some amazing cities. Perfect company right? There is actually one way in which they are blowing it…

People, I present to you Ryan Holloway (Please view the videos before continuing)

Ryan here has been on Krooked flow since about 2005 and we can see that he fucking kills it. Ryan was also turned am back in 2008 and was later on demoted back to flow(The third clip is actually an introduction as an am in the catalog). I may be a little biased here because he is like my 2nd favorite skater, but I mean, the guy comes out with a lot of footage, fucking rips, has a unique trick selection and style that fits the Krooked style, and he clearly reps them hard. So the question to the Krooked guys is; WHY THE FUCK ISN’T RYAN HOLLOWAY AM?!?!?!