Guess who’s back?

Hey guys, remember me? I know it’s been a while since my last post, but I made the stupid decision of getting a job in a Citi bank call center; easily the worst decision I’ve made in a while. was working 10 to 11 hour days listening to mostly angry and ignorant customers. I worked there for about 3 months and on Monday of last week I finally quit that shit job. I hadn’t skated in about a month and had no social life. Fortunately I am back skating again, rusty as shit but glad to be back. It got me thinking how much I actually love to skate.

When I stepped on my board for the first time, cruising through the city I felt like (not to be cliché or anything) a part of me that was missing had returned. Just landing 50-50’s on marble stairs and doing wallrides and back 3’s all over the place was just so fun. Unfortunately I am nowhere near on the level I was (okay maybe not that bad but I am at about 80% give or take) but I am still really stoked to be able to skate again.

Anyways, this was just a sort of announcement that I’m back and and a legit post will follow later on this week, but I’ll leave you with a couple of video parts that should get you stoked, I tried to pick out varied types of skating so everyone can enjoy.

This first part is just OG AS FUCK. It has the switch mongo, old school hip hop beats, it actually has lines in it. JB is one of the guys that is still skating like he always has and it is fucking awesome, No HD, ledge combo banger shit.

I chose this second part for quite a few reasons. The first one is for the fact that is from a time when Transworld videos were actually good and didn’t have any of that shitty Chris Ray editing. The second reason is because it has such a feel good/have fun vibe yet it is still gnarly as fuck, I mean gap out to front blunt the other side of clipper? If that is not considered gnarly these days I don’t know what is. Finally, I chose it because it has Darrell in it, the guy is so damn stylish, and that right there is a unique style that makes skateboarding look easy and good without making it look robotic.

Finally for the third and final part I chose Mr.Kevin Lowry in a small independent vidoe called “Lo-Def”; you might have heard Dan Watson from Youwillsoon hype this video a while back. Seriously this part just gets me so fucking psyched to skate, because it’s the kind of skating I do, just going out your front door and just haul ass through the city. I do understand that this type of skating is a bit controversial since people claim the tricks are too simple and that it gets boring just to see a bunch of wallies and 50-50’s. Well, the difficulty of this type of skating is not necessarily in the trick thats being done but in the spot that’s being skated. These are spots that are in the middle of the city, you have to watch out for cars, people, and not to mention that these spots require quick feet and not your regular stair jumping, rail grinding eye.

Oh and this part has Slayer in it so what’s not to like?