Skate Videos = The Skateboarder’s Porn?

It is a granted thing that almost every single person in the world watches pornography. Some just like to admire a semi-hot girl getting rammed while a lot of people also use it to get motivated to later on play a game of “Solitaire” if you know what I mean. Skate videos serve the same purpose. While some people just enjoy watching skate videos just to admire skating, most people watch a skate video to get motivated or get new ideas before they go skate. skateboard city

Everybody has different tastes in porn and in skate videos. Some people like watching a chick with triple D tits get rammed by two 18-inch cocks(which is something a regular person wouldn’t do usually) while others enjoy just some regular amateur porn (which is just like the real thing). Kind of like in skate videos, there is a certain skater crowd who prefers all the epic HD, Ledge Dancing, Lifestyle shot videos like Fully Flared, which as Ty Evans put it, is not that similar to just going out your front door and skating down the street. While others just prefer videos of guys just skating the city, and doing simpler tricks, which is basically just going out the street with a camera and skating and filming whatever. Videos like these are Krooked’s Gnar Gnar and Last of the Mohicans. skateboard city

Just because you enjoy a certain type over another it does not make it better than the other. So all of you people arguing that Asians are better than Redheads or that ledges are better than handrails, just stop. There are different types of shit for different types of people so just learn to embrace diversity or if you don’t embrace diversity then just shut the fuck up and keep your negative comments to yourself.

I’ll leave you with some of the clips I’ve been stoked the most on lately. I put a varied selection so skaters of all tastes could enjoy. I would leave you some porn too but I could get in trouble for that 😉

PS Hope the post made you laugh a little.