SBC’s Weekly Blog- The Introduction

Hey Guys it’s gsosa here and I’ve been chosen as your weekly blogger. Before I sort of explain what will be in this I’d like to tell you guys a little bit more of myself.

My full name is Gerardo Sosa, I was born on December 19, 1992 and I live in Guatemala. You might be asking yourselves where the fuck is that? Does he live in trees? Well no, Guatemala is a small country right under Mexico. In fact this just happened recently (Check the pic on the right)
Guatemala is a poor country but I’m blessed enough to be able to live a comfortable life.

Big Hole
Greetings from Guatemala

I’ve also been skateboarding for about 5 years and I have fucking loved every second of it. I just love skateboarding in general, I love just going out cruising and just having fun and not taking skating seriously, I also love battling a trick for hours, I feel like I’m becoming insane after a while and when I finally get it it’s best feeling ever. I always love watching a new skate video no matter who’s in it or what type of skating is in it. I guess I can appreciate any kind of skating. Whether it is Peter Ramondetta doing a gnarly back lip, Rodrigo Tx doing a high as fuck bs 180 nosegrind, or just watching Ricky Oyola or Dennis Busenitz go fast as fuck cruising the streets. Oh wait, there are a few exceptions; I ahte boring ass ledge tap dancing, although I can appreciate that it is hard as shit, it just doesn’t make me want to go out and skate. Oh yeah, and Lutzka, I mainly hate Lutzka though. Don’t worry pretty much skate blog on earth has taken care of hating on Lutzka so I won’t be doing that.

This blog will be about skateboarding, plain and simple. Whether it will be about some new video part I found interesting, reminiscing on the old days, or maybe a little hate here and there.

Hopefully I haven’t bored you with all my personal shit, but I felt it was important to get that out of the way before I got into the goods. If you guys have something you would like me to discuss on the blog just pm me or leave me a visitor message. Since this shit was supposed to be about skating I’ll leave you guys with two of my favorite clips So you can enjoy before you go out and skate. (and the third one is the only clip of mine that’s online right now, incase you haven’t seen any footage of mine) The first one is by a favorite of mine Dennis Busenitz. The second one is by the underrated 5boro team introdcucing Jimmy Mcdonald. Finally, these are two wallrides I filmed in under two tries and that ended up appearing in a local video
Dennis Busenitz:

5boro team:
