May 2010 MOTM: the_unknown_solider

GetThunderStruck here bringing you the Member of the Month for May 2010. I had the oppurtunity to chat with The_Unknown_Soldier, and I think he’s a pretty cool dude. Enjoy the article, and hopefully you’ll agree.

So, we spoke prior to this interview, and you mentioned the Nazi regime. How long have you been a skinhead? Were you always into the Neo-Nazi culture?

Well, my story begins in 19-dickety two. We had to say “dicety” because the Kaiser had stolen the word “twenty.” I chased the rascal to get it back, but I gave up after dickety-six milies.

I see. Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Name, age, location, shoe size, whatever.

haha, alright. My name’s Sean Ruona, named after the great Sean Connery, I’m 18 years old and I live in a small town in Michigan. My shoe size is an 11, my sign is a Leo, yadda yada yadda

Sean Vs. Sean

I’m actually being serious about the Sean Connery part. That’s how my dad thought of my name. My mom wanted to name me Kyle, hahaha

Haha, Sean Connery… That’s quite a name to live up to then. I hope you brought your shword and your shaber. And what kind of shtick do you ride? Tell us your shet-up.

I’m currently skating an 8.25 Toy Machine, Thunder 149ers that are loose as a goose, some Bones STFs that I believe are 54 mms or something, then some Rush bearings. Well, most of them are Rush. A few are just random bearings I’ve had to replace them with.
Rock em loose, that’s the way you do it. And what about shoes?

I have a lot of shoes, because I always find myself with a dirt cheap deal, or even winning them. (I got two pairs of Osirises courtesy to sir Corey Duffel.) But for the most part I switch between my Osiris Corpse, Adidas Campus Vulcs or my Reynolds 3s.

So, I doubt there’s anything out in Michigan but huts and small villages, so you can skate plenty right? What are your favorite tricks?

[left]Gap to Front Lip[/left]

Yeah, I still skate a lot. Well, I haven’t skated too too much in the last couple weeks because my ankle is really fucked, but I still cruise around everyday. Some of my favorite things to do are just about anything on tranny, or just cruising around doing ollies and fakie fullcabs. I don’t know why, but I just really really love fullcabs.

Hell yeah, full cabs are one of the funnest tricks to do. How about some of your favorite skaters? Favorite parts? Inform the city of boarding.

My favorite skaters change a lot depending on my mood, but some of the guys I never really get tired of are Dennis Busenitz, Daewon Song, Corey Duffel, Billy Marks, Andrew Reynolds, Patrick Melcher, it goes on and on. Same for videos, but to keep with an easy answer, the original Flip Sorry will always be my favorite video.

Quite an array there. Side note, Reynolds is from my home town! Anyway, off the board and on the web. Where did “the unknown soldier” come from?

Honestly, it just came to me. For awhile everybody thought I was either referencing The Doors or The Casualties, but at the time I didn’t even listen to them. I just made it really late one night in 7th grade, and the worst part is that I was half asleep, so I actually spelled it “the_unknown_SOLIDer,” so it was stuck like that for a great while. I was pissed, hahaha

Click for larger size.
Hahaha. Damn. Well, how about a shout out section? Name drop for us.

Oh jeez, I’m bad at this. How about a shout out to everybody who likes no-complys. If you don’t then fuck you. hahaha

Fair enough.

Okay. Let’s get away from the skateboard and the message board. What else does the Unknown Sean do?

Well, I like writing. I got a piece published the county newspaper when I was 16, so that’s something I’m kinda proud of. I’m also something of a musician/overall whore for listening to music.
Oh, and I like vidya games.

Ah, that’s awesome. I am a fan of writing as well. What do you play? What are some of your favorite artists right now?

I play guitar, tenor saxophone, and a little bit of bass guitar. I mostly listen to punk and the stuff that branches off of that, but I also venture into the field of alternative. Some of my favorite bands are Modest Mouse, Bomb The Music Industry!, Minor Threat, Streetlight Manifesto, Gray Matter, and a lot more. I recently got tickets to see Modest Mouse and Streetlight both in two following days, so I’m really really excited.

Damn, nice. I’m jealous of that Modest Mouse ticket. They sold out too fast last time they came here. :/ I’d be excited too. And video games… What have you been thumbing away to?


Yeah man, I fucking love Modest Mouse. I’m borderline obsessed, haha. Buuuut as for games, I pretty much play what I’m in the mood for. My two main counsels are my 360 and my Wii, so I switch in between that. I play the Skate games a lot, and I used to play MW2 quite a bit. I’m also a whore for Nintendo 64. At times I honestly play that more than my 360, haha. And I also have a DS that some girl just kinda gave me for some reason, so it keeps me busy in my classes that I don’t have shit to do. I guess that makes me the “weird guy with a gameboy”, but fuck it. I’ll take being the weirdo with a Gameboy over actually talking to the annoying people in my classes any day.

Fuck it, I play the weirdo with a gameboy role all the time. And Ocarina of Time on 64 is where it’s at. Speaking of girls, how is the Soldier in that field?

I beat Ocarina of Time solely playing in school via emulator. Took me a couple weeks with class schedules and all, but totally worth it. And as for girls, I’ve been playing the single’s card for awhile. I dated a girl for a pretty long time, and it was one of those things that it sailed extremely smooth, but just crashed into a rocky field of shit, haha. But for the most part, I just don’t give a shit about high school dating and such. From an outside perspective, people just seem to fuck themselves socially and mentally in it all. They spend too much of their time and hearts with a single person, and in the end one person fucks the other person over, and you’ve got yourself your typical high school drama that I tend to avoid. Once I actually get to college I’m gonna open my mind more though. I’ve already been hanging out with a lot of people that go to the school I’m going to, so I’m really looking forward to it.

Back Tail
Nice, nice. Just keep on moving forward. How about college? You’ve got plans for that?

I’m going to Eastern Michigan University to major in Creative Writing. I may take some courses in music, too. But even if I don’t I want to do a lot more with music, write it, play it, whatever. I’m recording a concept album this week with some good friends, so I’m looking forward to that.

So, creative writing… I love doing it, but what in specific do you like about it? What do you write about? Any specific format you like? Sestinas, sonnets…?

It all depends on my mood. I like ranting about shit via writing that does or doesn’t matter, hahaha. Like, for a class, I’ll pick a total bullshit topic that doesn’t matter and just keep on writing about it to see how many people take me seriously. Some of my lengthy pieces of work include beards, Heelys, Pirates vs Ninjas, cereal, etc. I write music too, but I don’t really do anything with it. Just for my own self-satisfaction, I guess. It’s a good way to get something off your chest and onto a piece of paper…or just talk about someone or something that pisses you off, hahaha

Haha, no doubt. Heelys makes me laugh, haha. Writing can be very soothing for the soul. One last thing, do you have anything to say to the masses of SB-C? Anything you would like to be remembered forever?

Yes, just three…

(WKUK reference, anybody?!)