Individ Sticker Slap Contest ~ CLICK TO ENLARGE ~

Wazzzzup SBC, This is the first Official Individ Contest.


How To Enter:
The Contest will run between April 15th, 2010 till April 23rd 2010. Take a photo of the crazy place you smacked our sticker to. Please use a decent camera so we can actually see the photo. Steal your sisters camera if you have too!

A new thread will be started devoted to the photos of the sticker slaps only.

1st Place:
Choice of any shirt from our online store
A boatload of stickers

Indi-Fade Shirt

How To Get FREE Stickers
Send us a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to:
Attn: FREE stickers
334 West Ave
Ocean City NJ

Don’t know what a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) is? Keep reading..

SASE is short of Self Addressed Stamped Envelope, incase you haven’t picked up on that yet. It is a plain ol’ envelope that is stamped and addressed to yourself and placed inside an envelope that is stamped and mailed to us. The more stamps you place on the self addressed envelope the more stickers we throw into the package when we send it back.

Follow these 5 simple steps and you will have your stickers in no time.
1. Go find your parents mailing supplies and grab two envelopes and a bunch of stamps.
2. Take one of the envelopes and write YOUR address on it in the middle and in the return address area. This is going to be the “Self Addressed” envelope. This is the one you are going to want to put a few extra stamps on it. The more stamps to cover the postage, the more stickers you will get in your package. DO NOT seal this envelope. I repeat DO NOT seal this envelope.
3. On the 2nd envelope you will need to write the following address in the middle
ATTN: Free Stickers
334 West Ave
Ocean City NJ
Place a single stamp on the top right hand corner. This is going to be the envelope you are going to mail your Self Addressed envelope with.
4. Place the NON SEALED self addressed envelope inside of the 2nd envelope. Seal it, stamp it, and mail it away.
5. Wait for your stickers, then get slappin’!

Still have questions? Hit us up!