A look at some upcoming review items: Khiro Bushings, Scoff”s Ruben Najera skate laces, P-Tip boards, & Theeve TIAX trucks…

Due to the nature of some of the products, it’ll be hard to do a one-off review (like the laces or the bushings) since they may require a longer break in time than something like a deck or set of trucks (that happen to use bushings I already ride in my personal setups).

Instead of just glossing over the items up for review, I decided to set up a primer for each item, and get you familiar with each product as best as possible… via video. If you view these in hi def, you’ll get a better insight into the little nuances and details of thing. All of the items in the review take something that;s common to all of us and attempts to add a little something extra. Let’s see what we got:

Part One:

Part Two:

The goal with this vid was to help you get a detailed view of each of these… to the degree that you’re practically holding them yourself.

Real post-skating analysis on everything coming soon, but at different increments because of the individual nature of each of the things in the clips. Hope you enjoy!

Also a word of warning, the only skating in any of this is a few seconds worth at the end of part two… not hammers, but they were filmed while riding the laces from Scoffman as well as one of the sets of Khiro’s.

I don’t want to give away too much for the future reviews, but my most used item at the moment are the laces (I have them on when I’m testing everything else, obviously). So far, they’ve been really amazing. As mentioned int he videos above, they actually reinforce the shoe they’re in, almost as if they slightly stiffen the entire upper. It’s a unique feeling, and a feeling that I like surprisingly more than I thought I would… but more on that in a future video!