Free Deck from Dunkees? Yes Please!

Sorry everybody, the winners have been picked and informed.
Thanks to everybody who entered, maybe next time eh? ~ CLICK TO ENLARGE ~
This could possibly be the best promotion Skateboard-City has ever been involved in, and 10 lucky members are going to have the chance to be part of it.

Founder of, and SBC member danielm is giving 10 lucky members the chance to get one of his decks, totally free!! Those of you who’ve been here a while will know that i’m harsh on spam, and that i wouldn’t be advertising a company like this if it wasn’t the genuine article. All Dunkees decks are made in America, with nothing but 100% Canadian Maple, and all the graphics are designed by Daniel. Frankly, you’d be an idiot not to give them a go. ~ CLICK TO ENLARGE ~ ~ CLICK TO ENLARGE ~ ~ CLICK TO ENLARGE ~ ~ CLICK TO ENLARGE ~ Skateboard-City.comSo, what do you need to do to get your hands on one of these decks? Simple, just reply to this thread! Dunkees is at the stage of its life where it’s product needs to get out there and get recognised, worldwide. And yes… that means that for the first time ever, this contest is open to members from all over the world.

Whether you’re in America, England, Canada, Sweden, Japan, Africa, The Netherlands, or even Australia, you can get your hands on one of these decks. There is, of course, one catch. Any member who gets a deck has got to review it for us… so we know if they’re actually any good. I think it’s a small price to pay for a brand new deck. We don’t mind what you say about the decks, as long as its honest. Any review should be as in depth as possible, pictures, videos, give it to your friends to compare to their decks if you want, as long as its all recorded for the review.

Now on to the really exciting bit…

The person who produces the best review (and it’ll have to be pretty in depth), will win their very own, completely custom deck, to be sold by, and of course you’ll get a chunk of any sales too!!

So if you think you can produce a really quality review, and have an awesome idea for your own deck graphic, just reply to this thread and let us know why you think you should get one, and you might just have a deck in the post soon.

[right]Reviewers chosen by and
Reviews due as soon as reasonably possible.
Decisions are final, i am the law.