SonoQuattro Skateboards Clearance

SonoQuattro skateboard‘s own Roch seems to be in a spot of bother and is selling off his decks from SonoQuattro Skateboards for $29.99 a pop for a full colour graphic deck.

There’s currently only the one graphic on offer (pictured right), but from the sounds of the review the decks are pretty good quality, and it’s always worth supporting small independent companies trying to make it big in the skate industry.

I’m sure a lot of you will have got decks from Santa Clause, and that they’ll be on their last legs by now, so why not check out the review here on, and then get yourself over to to pick up a post-Christmas/New Year bargain! $30 for a Canadian Maple graphic deck is a bargain no matter how you look at it, and we all want to see more grass roots skating, so put your money where your mouth is.

Much Love,
