Strangenotes – Dude, Bro. Bro, Dude

Dude, Bro. Bro, Dude
Skate Vid SpotlightDude,Bro. Bro, Dude

Alright, so this video-Dude, Bro. Bro, Dude from Strange Notes Skateboarding- came free with an Issue of The Skateboard Mag, and also NHS sent it out to a bunch of shops (I wouldn’t doubt that it’s floating around on the internet somewhere, so if you haven’t gotten a copy google it up.)

(My apologies for the lack of screenshots, my mac won’t allow me to take one while the dvd player is on, which is exactly what I want a screen shot of…)

Sound Tracks:

“Earthman” by Poets and Pornstars
“So Dull” by Los Olividados
“Stop the Violence” by the S.T.R.E.E.T.S.
“A Moment In Time” by Zolar X
“Page and Grind” by Phillip Drummond
“Terrain” by The Weirdos
“My Bawn” by Phillip Drummond
“Just Thoughts” by Mister Loveless
“Replacement Killer” by Living Keys Music


Mayhem Montage

So to start it off, the Mayhem montage. First skater up is Rune Glifberg. Now when I see his name, I think of “Some dude in Tony Hawk games, typical vert skater.” But in this part Rune totally defies that. He combines flow, classic tricks, ridiculous spots, and not wearing pads like all the other vert guys to make a great little tranny centered bunch of clips. Next comes Chad Knight, and honestly I didn’t even know this guy could rip so hard. He skates the coolest spots, gets big air, and fuses transition and street well. Then there are a few clips from Shawn Hale and Adam Dyet, And then maximum shreddage from Lizard King. He (as well as Chad) fused a lot of tranny and street, which I think is really cool and different from the whole technical craze. Lizards got the creative tricks, all out style, and a variation of obstacles to make a cool little section. Next a few clips from Nilton Neves, Devin Appelo (gnarly kickturn over a massive drainage pipe) some grinds and floaters over a nice sized handrail from Gravette. Then comes a few clips from Judd Hertzler, Rickie Belton (Good to see some footy from that dude.), Ron Whaley, Cairo Foster, Mikey Curtis, Matt Pailes, Sid Melvin, Kendall Cordova, another handrail hammer from Lutzka, Some massive gaps by Joseph Sharif, a line by Jeff Lenoce, Brandon Beibel, and some cool lines and tricks executed by Taylor Bingaman.

30th Indy Tour Pt.1

Next chapter in the video is part 1 of the Indy 30th Euro Tour. To begin the show there’s a few clips of Darren Navarette with his awesome black beret. Next a few clips of Peter Hewitt showing off his tranny skills on a vert wall to wall gap. After that there’s a few clips of Alex Olson and Darren killing these brick vert spots that I’ve never seen skated in any other video. Subsequently some clips of an awesome street habitat full pipe that looks wicked awesome. Next there’s park destruction by Chris Haslam, Carl Wilson, Alex Olson, Stu Graham, Jeff Groso, and Steve Olson. A lot of transition and burly stuff that the Indy team just rules at skating.

Commercial Break No.1

Next we have the “Commercial Break” which I always enjoy seeing a good one of these. First off there’s a commercial for skate 2, which is just hilarious. The theme to the game is taking back the streets, so we have Koston, TK, and Dyrdek all dressed up in 90s detective crew gear and being “The Take-Back Squad”. There’s intros for each person, Eric Koston is “Disaster” Spot Liberator, Hall of Meat Veteran, Dyrdek is “The Maestro” Epic line artist, Walking man, and Terry Kennedy is “5-Oh No” Rails, Security Evasion. Funny stuff, it’s worth looking up on youtube, haha. Next there’s an OJ3 add. Honestly I didn’t know they were still putting out stuff. They have some cool clips of the camera man walking into a supermarket stand and picking up some Hot Juices, then going into the freezer section and getting some Concentrate 2s, then into a cemetery and finding some Bloodsuckers, and finally into a bar and finding the Screwdriver model in a drink. Good portrayal and creativity, while showing all the models at one time.

In the Park (David Gravette and Taylor Bingaman

After that, there’s a little “In the Park” section with David Gravette and Taylor Bingaman. It starts off with a slew of rail tricks on a good sized flatbar on the pier. The next clips contain gnarly airs, big tricks, and fast skating on cement park obstacles. All this set to a steady fast speed of a metal track is a good chapter to watch right before you go out skating.


Next chapter is a documentation of the Krux team’s tour to Australia. To begin the section, a super chiller track from Zolar X and clean fast skating with smooth fades really sets the mood. A lot of park demo clips when the skating first commences, then the shredding is more street focused. There are a lot of spots I’ve never seen in other videos before, a lot of steep and sketchy looking transition, which the whole team shreds so hard. Basically a lot of cool clips from spots that I’ve little or never seen skated in a pro video, and a super chill and fun vibe from the Krux crew.

Mino Minute

We now have a section that they call “Mino Minute.” Basically it’s Cairo Foster displaying the new Flip Mino HD mini camera that’s super skater friendly. It’s fun to see the guys skating and chilling, all documented on this cool little camera. I really like how they make the adds in this video to be not so boring, and more entertaining, then actually begging you to buy the product… hmmm, reverse psychology?

30th Indy Tour Pt.2

Finally we get to the second part of the Indy tour. To start it off, there’s a few clips of Haslam and Darren skating park transition, Stu Graham fooling around, and Jeff Grosso making weird faces. After that there’s footage from the most awesome looking park, it’s just transition everywhere, bowl transfer to bowl transfer to massive vert wall. Simply ridiculous looking park, and the guys rip it up so hard. Next some clips from a more street oriented park, with especially Alex Olson and Chris Haslam getting crazy.

Commercial Break No.2

Next the second commercial break begins. First a hilarious little teaser for the Santa Cruz Landshark Cruzer. It’s set to the part in the Jaws movie when the girl’s getting chomped, and every now and there there’s a little picture of the board floating through the water. After that, a Mob grip ad. Johnny Layton explaining how shoes make white lines on grip, then you can just rub the line off, ah the simple pleasures in life, Johnny’s the best. Last a trailer for the upcoming Creature video, which looks sick. Only thing is, it’s pretty difficult to decipher the title from the cool greek letters they made it in… looks like Mexm Waw, haha.

In the Park (Sid Melvin)

Next section is “In the Park” with the man Sid Melvin! This guy is so sick, I enjoyed his style ever since he had a few clips in an ancient 411 issue. To start it off, he shows that he’s the master overlord of flamingos, which honestly, I’ve never seen anybody do them so clean and well. After that, some super chill style and sweet tricks in a concrete park, then some Woodward-ian destruction. Warning: Sid has a really gnarly mustache, along with a faint goatee, but his mustache just owns all. All this park slaughterage is set to a steady hip-hop alternative instrumental that just amplifies Sid’s style.

Checkin’ In With Corey Duffel

Finally to top it all off, a full part from Corey Duffel himself. Tons of hammers, gaps over stuff, flips, and tweaked out airs into and over everything. In this part Corey shows he can fuse the transition with the street almost better than every other skater I’ve seen attempt the stuff he does. Before this part I really just assumes he was all handrails and flips over stuff, but he bombs the ridiculous banks, shreds the big walls, and skates mach ten on it all, haha. Very sick collection of clips. Even though it’s not even a team video, he still lays down a nice sized full part with maximum effort put in. After that there’s credits, and a little collection of random funny clips for

The Wrap-Up!

So that’s Dude, Bro. Bro, Dude! Really sick all around video, a lot of tranny skating, and a lot of cool street tricks and lines as well. If you own a shop or have frequent skate jams at your house, this is a good video worth getting your hands on- because the disk loops automatically, which means it will never go back to the menu page, it will just keep going until your jam ends, or your shop closes… or you just get tired of the video, which I highly doubt will happen, haha.
Thanks a lot for reading! More reviews on the way.