February 2009 MOTM – Wayfarer

Wayfarer Is Not This Hot
(And isn’t a girl either)

As per usual, we’re overdue our Featured Member of The Month!! It would be a shame to break with tradition and do it on time really.
This month we’re catching us with an OG ‘06 Aussie member…


Lets get down to it, Name, Age, Location, and Sexual Preference

David Urani, 19, Southwest Sydney… usually males, but I’m head over heels for my girlfriend.

Good enough. So tell me, David, how do you feel being nominated member of the month?
Well, I was thinking to myself the other week when I woke up “imagine some c*** voted for me? I’d be stoked”, so I checked, and I was neck in neck with that pain fag!

Not too keen on Pain, are we?
Hahaha, props to that giraffe necked c***. I really “feel the pain” hahaha. I really do hope he gets a throat infection though.

This also marks a significant occasion in SB-C history – the first Aussie to Aussie member of the month interview.
Ah, that also. I guess we’re taking over slowly, eh?

Our grip around SB-C’s balls is getting tighter by the day. So tell me, what brought you to the site? And more importantly, what encouraged you to stay?
Hahahaha, I see where this is leading… remember when I first joined up and my username was Trance? yeah? I was like “bah, it seems aiight” then posted some bad ass shit everyone hated on in the Aussie section. so I pretended to be a girl to make up for it. then I met Brendan (skatergoth) in real life, and told him… he made me stick around. it’s all good. besides; we need a truck guru, eh?

Oh god, don’t remind of skatergoth. Is he anything like how he appears on SB-C?
Actually, no.

That’s somewhat reassuring. I now know the world is slightly better than I thought.
Oh no, he’s much worse in real life…

Celebrity Wayfarers

Oh, I completely misunderstood. How naive.
Imagine this, you know krux ice yeah? How ice means bling, diamonds, etc in American?

I told him that, so he starts arguing with me that they’re actual icicles.

The hell?
He even got on the krux site and quoted the line from the tagline of the trucks, something like “ma bracelet is made of ice”.

Sounds like the tool we all made him out to be. I actually started to feel sorry for him before he left.
Yeah, he’s not good man.

Enough about skatergoth for now. How’s your skating career going?
Funny aye, lets just say this; I busted my ankle at the end of last year and haven’t skated much since, and thanks to uni exams, I haven’t skated once this week. All I did was strap my krux to my board, then pushed around the house for a bit. These trucks seem aiight. Career? I suck!

Yeah, can’t say I’m quite what I once was either.
Yeah, but you didn’t always suck this bad..

We’ll see about that. Let’s take a look back at the time you’ve been skating. When did you start?
Back in like, 2006 I think? About September / October time. That’s usually the time of change for me.. my scooter broke, and this chick I liked was getting tormented by her brother. I was a skinny little shit and wanted to go say shit to him, and my old skateboard rolled along. I haven’t stopped since.

More Celebrity Wayfarers

Sounds like quite the story. So it seems you’re a bit of a newcomer to the whole skate thing, it seems most kids started when they where around 12.
I was 16, but I always considered myself a late starter. I could ollie when I was 12, but I didn’t give a fuck till I grew hair on me balls…

Yeah, I started back in late 2002, seems like a long time ago now.
Did you have any idols when you started skating that you looked up to?

Not really.. I didn’t like computers n shit back then, so I didn’t know about anyone. it was more of an “I don’t care about anyone or anything” movement, so I taught myself everything there was to know, and how to fix my stuff. Three years later, not much has changed.

That’s the right attitude to have, as long as you’re not pushing mongo.
Which I did.. I then realised why it sucked so much.

Tell me about your selective music taste I’ve heard so much about.
ahh.. you troll the music forums I suppose.. well I guess I’ve just got too deeply into the pioneers of punk rock; Refused and ATDI, so I guess I’m a bit too defensive of them.. but that’s not all I’ll listen to aye, just none of that spewing yelling crap.

EVEN More Celebrity Wayfarers!!

Yeah, I’ve been getting into a lot of ATDI myself recently. Back to SB-C, how are your feelings on the way the site is going?
Ugh.. every time I’m near there, it makes me puke.. did you see those two c***s having a fight in my trucks forum? It’s doing all right for itself I guess.

I’m afraid I missed that one. So, what do you think you are doing as a member to make SB-C a better place?
Same everyone else should be doing mate; be a nice kid to everyone, pool knowledge, review gear honestly, my sig isn’t too long, and I’m not Adolf Hitler about everything.

If only everyone could follow your example.
Well, it’s been half an hour of our time wasted, let’s wrap this up.
Any final words? Shout outs?

F*** you Hard Rock, Punk FTW!!
Shootouts? Yeah mate, Shootouts to my beautiful girlfriend Sabrina SayLove, Sean Evans, Robert Kasz, Potty and all my skating buddies, pain, and to you for hosting this interview!