Should the internet be handled as other everyday things?

In light of the recent spam attacks on SkaterCafe, and a lot of the fighting and arguing on the boards, I've been thinking……Is the internet really meant to be handled as a real life situation?

Most of SB-C's regular members have seen the goods and bads of a messageboard.  People can communicate freely, share ideas, get help, find product…..but the downside is the potential indecent exposure to curse words, sexual pictures, racism, stereotypes and so on.

But does "messageboard hatred" really influence us? Should we brush it off as careless ignorance, or take it seriously, even as seriously as legal actions?  I've seen all the names spouted out, all the racial slurs, and I will definitely admit to having used them. But does this constitute harassment and discrimination?

I think a person has every right to defend themselves over this controversial slander, but we need to think rationally. Make the decisions yourself, the smart choice is to shrug it off, and learn to fight back or ignore it.

Continuing on the real life or not issue, what do you all feel about it? Should we really be insulted when random people pick fun at us or curse? You have to be logical about it, and if this will get you in trouble at home then don't participate. AND NEVER WRITE ANY THREATS THAT CAN BE TAKEN SERIOSULY OR POST SEXUAL PICTURES. I badmouthed a teacher on the computer, and found my self suspended for a full week, and we all know what happened to our little porn spammers. Let that be warning to you.

Overall, the internet is "real life", you said it, you let your reputation ride on what you do here.  Just because you couldn't see who you were insulting, or will never see them, doesn't mean they weren't offended or can't pursue legal action.  Use the computer wisely, it's a gift, don't let it be a bad thing.