Circa – It’s Time

The video opens with a short but sweet memorial of of Harold Hunter whuch I thought could've been longer or at least had a picture.Afterwhich the video begins with an introduction of the skaters and a logo having something to do with them (i.e The O in Colt Cannon's name being replaced with a cannonball).Jon Allie opens the video with solid skating.The tricks that most impressed me were the ollie north down 10 and the 270 to front board.Next up is Sierra Fellers.I thought of him as a pretty boy skater.Boy did my impression change.This kid can throw down.Once again an ollie north shows up,thrown down a massive five.His part wasn't anything spectacular,but it wasn't bull*****either.After that a short intro to Windsor James' part that amused me.Ironically,Adrian Lopez's part shows up after Windsor James' intro.His music really suprised me,I thought it was going to be maybe old school punk.It turns out to be uptempo funk.The music really fits his skating.Keep your eyes peeled for an under the bar kickflip manny.After this comes Windor James' part.The 2nd intro continues where the 1st left off.He gets his shit in early starting with a clean ass tre over the bar.Nollie-cab to Switch salad caught my attention.He ends it with a clean nollie tre down a big 4 with a dirty white tee.The newcomer Dennis Durrant puts a strong bid in for my Rookie Part of the Year award.Blunt on the inside part of a ledge(watch it to know what I'm talking about).He shows the technical side with a nollie nose manny nollie tre out.Back heel up,yes up 5 made me spew Gatorade on myself.Nice style,clean tricks, I expect some awsome video parts from him in the future.Colt Cannon,nice tech with the backside flip to switch manual to pivot manual pivot out.Other notables include a fastplant onto a fence and a 50-50 down 24.

After this its the New and Hot shit part.All it is is Colt Cannon attempting a switch fronside 270 heelflip darkslide to fakie.(I had to pause the vid to get all of that.).Dennis Durrant attempts a nollie heel late shuv railslide.He comes close to landing it but slides out at the end.Tony Tave gets my vote for best part.His intro features Eric Koston who calls him a "poor man's Koston",Tonny Hawk and, the loveable Nate Sherwood.My favorite tricks from this part were the nollie frontside flip and the switch heel which happens to be on the cover of the August Thrasher.This dude can rip.Don't mind that the music for his part is Micheal Jackson,he is no joke.Pete Ramondetta closes this bitch out.Skating with crutches….that shit took balls.He cracks a massive ollie over plants and *****over the sidewalk and into the street.Big Heel did it for me.

Overall, this was a good vid.Nothing epic,but it is worth adding to my collection.The music was a blend of rock and old school R and B which I liked.I'd give this an 8/10

P.S:Watch the extras.They are hilarious.Skateboards are illegal on school grounds

~written by black_world_skater~