Method to recovery of Minor Injuries

So your trying to kickflip a 7 stair, and on impact of landing your front foot rolls off your board! Since your a man, you walk it off, but in your head your thinking '***** I won't be able to skate for awhile'.   Minor injuries happen often to every skateboarder, at every level.  Some, being worse then other.  But all minor injuries should be treated in the same method and carefully.

Method to Recovery

Step 1: – A very effective and popular recovery method that skateboards and atheletes use for minor injuries is RICE.  Rice stand for;

Rest:  Rest is very, very important for minor injuries.  It contributes in a couple ways.  The first and more important reason for rest is because it is important to rest the ligament, tendon or injuried muscle.  The second reason rest is important is because your body needs rest to be able heal your injury faster and more effectivly.

Ice:  Ice is very important in the recovery process.  Ice also gives you short time pain relief from the injury.  It helps the injury from swelling up by decreasing the blood flow to the area of injury.  Sometimes its a good idea to use a bag of frozen peas, this helps because it wraps around the injuryed area. Remember though, leaving ice on two long will be bring negative effects.  Do not leave ice on for more then 15-20 minutes.  After applying ice be sure to take a 20-30 minute break before applying again.

Compression:  Compression helps reduce swelling.  Wrapping the injured area with a ace bandage is a effect way of compressing the injury.  If you feel throbbing, you have it wrapped to tight.  Take the bandage off and re-wrap.

Elevation:  Elevation also reduces swelling.  It is most effective if the injured area is above the heart.  So, if we take the senario in the very beginning of this article, a good way of elevation would be to lay down on your bed, and prop up your ankle by putting two or three pillows under it.

Rice is a very effective method of healing minor injuries.  After two days or so many sprains and strains will begin to heal.  If after 48hours you are still having painful symtoms, schedual a doctors appointment, or go to the emergency room (depending on the symtoms).

When all the swelling is gone gentle stretchs and excersises can be done.  Such as rotating your ankle.

Once ALL swelling has stopped, heat can help the injury, it will increase the blood flow to the injuried area and promote healing.  Remember though, don't apply heat right after you have an injury, only use ice!

Okay, so now you know how to treat your minor sprains and other injuries.  Remember though, im not a doctor, if you feel as if you DO infact need a doctor, GO TO ONE!  Its better to go and find out its not a big deal, then to not go and have it be a big deal.  

Around January I began having really bad knee pains, I never went to the doctor, and continued skateboarding.  A month and a half later I finally went and I found out I had strained major ligaments connecting my upper knee and hips or something on both legs, I was stuck doing 3 months of physical theorpy without any skateboarding!

So, good luck guys, if your hurt, don't be dumb about it, don't skate with injuries.  Take a rest, use the Rice method.  Go to a doctor, do what you got to do.  

Be careful, skate hard.
