August Issue of SB-C times

A new month, new things to see, to do, and to discover.

First off, as many of you know four members were banned (they will remain unamed, if you know, you know) from the SB-C channels forever, their IP's locked. As most of you know, the 4 culprits lead a cyber spam attack on one of the other skating forums (known as Skaters cafe) posting pictures of porn in every free space they could, why they did it? Who knows, i just hope that everyone had learnt something from this and that there will be no more disgraceful acts like this, because when you do these things they not only affect you, but they also give this forum a bad name. Refer to LFF announcement for full details.

now that that is out of the way, many of you will have noticed that SB-C has changed, new forums are being put in place, there are new members, and the respect user count is at a stable 250.

If you were a respected user (for being active for 182 days and having a post count of 500 or higher) and you do not have the respected user status, follow this link for the explination Respected Users.

As a new month dawns, more members will be joining, its the process of progress. Don't give them a hard time, don't give anyone new in general a hard time, they are only learning, I am however not defending those who Spam, Annoy, Irritate or cause havoc and so forth.

Contents Writers tryouts were open for the last week, Lots of work had come out of the keyboards of the members and even some surprising members wrote some surprising articles.
It was going to be a choice out of many writers and after much thought the following have become SB-C's new content writers.
A77A96, SkaterForLife117, Shampoo, Skateaholic, The_Clash911, Ghost and ItsNotJustaDayDream.

Congrats to those who made it through with me, and for those that hadn't don't stress. Keep checking back and contributing and if your work shines, then you might be hooked up with that pimp ass custom status soon. I know i'll keep scanning the contribute forum and if i see anything i like, you might get it posted up on front page (with your name of course).

Try and keep the forums free of repeats people, before you make a new topic, think about it, will it be any use? Search before you make a new topic and ask yourself, Has anybody already typed one? Utilize the search fuction and do your bit to keep our forums free of repeat posts, Like the old saying goes "why reinvent the wheel?". Always fight for your point of veiw, don't let others discourage you, if you believe that your word needs to be heard, don't let others silence you.
Checking out