Why are we determined to stop the skateboarding scene growing?

Hey there. Slapdown here, reporting for duty. Considering I've been a content writer for almost 3 months now, and I've done nothing, I needed to start sometime.

I thought a good place to start would be with something I'm quite passionate about.

I just recieved a bulletin on Myspace from an "unnamed member" from Skateboard-city regarding the site; dontdoitarmy.com.

Now, for the sake of you trawling through this site of awfulness, I'll explain it. Basically, this "group" of "revolutionaries" (ha!) are trying to start a war on major corperations like Nike getting involved in skateboarding.

 What I ask today is…"Why?"

Surely, when skateboarding started back in the 70's, and more prodominantly in the 80's, weren't people wearing Nike's (and Converse) to skate in? Weren't Nike the originals? After being forced out of the scene by the new breed of shoe companies (who I actually have less respect for, considering my es Accels crumbled within a month), why are we trying to shun Nike out of our scene, as they are revolutionising shoe building at this very moment?

As a proud Nike SB owner, I would now like to say, the Zoom Tre model are without a doubt the best shoe I have ever owned, and even after 3 months of hard skating, they have barely got a bit of wear on them, due to their amazing design.

 Which begs the question…"Why would you want Nike (SB) out of skateboarding, when they are doing more for skating right now then most of the other "leading brands" such as DC, es and Lakai?".

 I have owned all of the above shoes, and all were substandard compared to the Nike SB shoe. So I am now welcoming the major sports company into skateboarding, as should everyone else.

I read an interview with Stevie Williams in a magazine (Kingpin Europa) recently, and he has also said RBK are planning the same sort of thing, by revolutionising the shoe world with new, stronger, more durable shoes with better placed stitching.

Do we really want these companies out of our scene?

Let skateboarding expand for the better, instead of being stupidly narrow minded, and worrying too much about what you wear and who you are.

Theres another issue restricting the expantion of skateboarding, and thats the issue of "Skateboarding in the Olympics".

I am a bit torn on the matter, but in retrospect, "Why are we so against this?" This is our sport, being allowed the chance to expand and allow more people to get involved, highlighted on a world stage, popularised. People will see that all skaters are not just "drop-out druggies", and are actually talented, fit, athletes, who demand as much respect as those football players who are given accolades, fame, and total popularity from their peers and elders in schools and colleges nationwide.

Wouldn't it be awesome if skateboarders were given that same level or respect by the general public?

So, in conclusion, skate for skating. Don't war against those who want to expand our skating, and enjoy it, instead of fighting it.

Slapdown out.