Nyjah Huston profiled in the NY Times

That's right, 11 year old Nyjah Huston was recently profiled in the NY Times.  Times reporter Matt Higgens did a story about the pro skateboarder's maturity and seeing how young pros can get, even comparing Nyjah to the legendary Tony Hawk, who's pro carreer started at the age of 14. Nyjah is currently ranked 3rd overall in the Dew Action Sports Cup. For the full article, look here: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/17/sports/othersports/17board.html

Wade Martin of the Dew Tour, even stated, "In other disciplines, like BMX vert, the average age of athletes is 30 years old. When Ryan Sheckler was 13, people didn't think it could get any younger, but it has."

Nyjah is one of the best up and coming youngsters, and he's  proven that he's here to stay.