Neon Blank Decks

Neon Blank Decks from
  Neon Blank Decks are available at for $18.99, and there are several decks which are cheeper then this. I'll start off by saying unless your into this neon/extremely eye-catching look, they're hideous. People can see you from a mile away with these boards. The board is fully dipped in this neon paint, which by the way, falls off easily and marks up the ground and anything you skate with its brightness. That was pretty annoying to us. The paint is just disgusting, it would have been much more barable if the board had been only painted on the bottom…

 We ended up getting 6 of these, so as far as reviews go, I'm pretty sure this is the most accurate thing you will ever read or hear about these boards. Ok, so apart from the paint, at first the seem a bit better for skating then's California blank, but only because it doesn't stick to rails because of its softness. Maybe the paint helps you slide… The wood of the board seems ok at first, you get pretty decent pop and it didn't wear down to quick. But then, on the other hand, all of these boards ended up snapping before we managed to put a significant amount of use to it. (We managed to wear down at most to the 3rd layer of wood.) And every board was snapped or atleast cracked partly on flatground tricks by a 150lb. person. One of the 6 board we got were much fatter in thickness then the other 5. This is shown in the first picture in the gallery. We thought it might have been a 9-ply board by accident somehow, but it wasn't. It was heavier and even uglier…

With that being said, I don't think anything else about these boards is going to matter. I will say the concave is fairly comfortable. The pop, as we've mentioned is good, but there is no way we would recommend these boards.

In October these boards were on a "2 for the price of 1" sale, and even if you were to take into consideration that your paying $18.99 for two boards, we STILL would not waste our time thinking about buying these, and we would not recommend them, even for half price.

Don't waste your time, this is a blank deck that we felt more terrible breaking because of the wasted, still-new grip tape then because of the wood.
